Tuesday, December 14, 2010

NXT Results 12/14/10

WWE NXT Results from New Orleans, LA:

Todd Grisham and Josh Matthews were handling commentary duties again. They sent it to the ring for host Matt Striker to introduce the Season 4 NXT rookies: Connor O'Brian, Jacob Novak, Johnny Curtis, Brodus Clay, Derrick Bateman and Byron Saxton. Matt Striker discussed the competition terms again, and congratulated Jacob Novak for winning the first competition last week, "Capture the Flag."

Tonight's first competition would be a karaoke challenge, with the live crowd as judges. Each superstar randomly chose a card from Striker which had the entrance theme for a WWE Superstar. O'Brian went first and sounded horrible, with his pro Del Rio standing up on the stage and looking disgusted. Derrick Bateman had to do The Miz's theme song but couldn't. Jacob Novak tried to do his own pro, Dolph Ziggler's theme song. Brodus Clay had to sing Cody Rhodes' theme song. Johnny Curtis got Orton's theme, which got a pop from the crowd, but he didn't do so well either. Byron Saxton got to go last, and got Shawn Michaels' theme song. Even though he mixed up the words the crowd gave him a decent amount of applause. Based on crowd response, Byron Saxton won the competition.

They returned with an outside shot of The Cajundome, then launched a video package on NXT Season 4 Rookie Jacob Novak. He talked about all the sports he played as a youngster, and said he's destined to dominate. Novak compared himself to current WWE Superstar, Jack Swagger.

Byron Saxton & Chris Masters vs. Brodus Clay & Ted Dibiase

As Masters and Saxton arrived to the ring, parts of the obstacle course were seen on the ramp and outside the ring. Maryse accompanied Dibiase and Clay to the ring.

Early on, Brodus shoved Saxton down to the mat, causing Saxton to back out under the ropes for a timeout. After another shove, Saxton taunted Clay then tagged in Masters. Brodus had some power offense against Masters, but the pro made his comeback, avoiding Clay on a corner charge. Masters tried to slap on the Masterlock, but Dibiase rushed in to break things up. Brodus kept dominating Masters, then tagged in Dibiase before a commercial break.

Masters continued to get dominated by Dibiase and Clay, with Saxton just watching from the apron as his pro was punished. Saxton finally got in, but against Brodus Clay. Saxton was able to elbow his way out of a charging Clay in the corner. Saxton tried to jump from the corner with Clay catching him in the bear hug, then slamming him hard to the mat. Masters tagged in and missed on a big knee drop. Saxton got away to tag in Masters who came in with a lot of offense against Dibiase. Clay tried to make a save, but Masters moved and Clay dropped on Dibiase instead. Masters prepared for the Masterlock, but Saxton slapped his back cockily from behind. Saxton told Masters it was his time now. He tried to take control of the match, but Dibiase got him with Dream Street to win it.

Winners: Ted Dibiase and Brodus Clay win via pinfall over Chris Masters and Byron Saxton.

Daniel Bryan walked in on his rookie Derrick Bateman in the locker room backstage. He talked to him about a submission move to use against Alberto Del Rio tonight. Bateman got a little too into the submission move attempt and started going wild yelling "Submission Wrestling" until Bryan kicked him in the face with his free foot. Bryan said it might have been a little too much too soon, then wished him luck in his match.

Time for the next competition, the Obstacle Course. Saxton and Novak each have 1 immunity point. The winner of the obstacle course will get 2 immunity points due to the degree of difficulty.

Here's each of the rookie's times:

Jacob Novak 37.9 seconds
Byron Saxton 1:02 minutes, seconds
Conor O'Brian 42.7 seconds
Derrick Bateman 35.7 seconds
Johnny Curtis 34.8 seconds - Curtis was DQ'd for falling off the balance beam*
Brodus Clay disqualified

Saxton was still hurt after getting hit by Dream Street so it took him over a minute to do the course. Someone was yelling "come on Rat boy" at Conor O'Brian as he tried to complete the course.

*Due to earlier confusion by the refs, the senior official gave Johnny Curtis another shot at the obstacle course after Brodus Clay had gone. Johnny Curtis got 31.4 seconds on his second attempt to earn 2 immunity points.

They showed a video package about rookie Johnny Curtis and how he started wrestling training outside in the woods in a ring when he was younger. Curtis said in 2005 his close friend was struck in an accident and killed. Curtis said he wears dog tags on his tights as a remembrance of his deceased friend.

They showed the Raw Rebound which covered the 2010 Slammy Awards. Winners included CM Punk, Michael Cole, Pee Wee Herman, LayCool and John Cena as Superstar of the Year. Wade Barrett came out and took his Slammy Award. Barrett called out Cena to the ring and officially re-hired him. Barrett said he was re-hired on two conditions, that he agrees to go one-on-one tonight against David Otunga, and that he goes one-on-one with him (Barrett) at TLC in a Chairs Match. Barrett and Nexus gave Cena a beatdown in the ring, including bashing a chair down on Cena. Later on that night, Cena fought Otunga in the main event. Barrett sent all the Nexus guys backstage, to leave Otunga alone for the match, just like Otunga had them do to Wade last week with Cena in the ring. Cena won the match by the STF, and continually bashed Otunga with a chair, showing Barrett what may happen to him Sunday.

Backstage, Jacob Novak walked in and shook Vickie's hand, saying how beautiful she was in person. Novak started to compliment Vickie and asked for some advice when Ziggler came walking in. He made sure Novak knew Vickie is his girlfriend. Ziggler asked Vickie to give them some alone time to talk. Vickie said bye to Novak and walked out. Ziggler asked Novak what was going on, and then told Novak to go find a quiet place to watch the main event. Novak said "sure thing boss" and walked off.

Ricardo Rodriguez was introduced in the ring, then did the introduction for Alberto Del Rio for the main event.

Derrick Bateman vs. Alberto Del Rio

Del Rio got the early advantage with a headlock on Bateman. Bateman tried to elbow out, but Del Rio knocked him down then punched away on him some. Grisham noted that Del Rio is likely preparing for Sunday's match against Mysterio at TLC PPV. Del Rio slammed Bateman back for a near fall. Daniel Bryan cheered on his rookie from the apron, while Brian O'Conor was ringside to support his pro, Del Rio.

Bateman got some momentum with a running neckbreaker, but couldn't capture the pinfall on Del Rio. He went for a dropkick in the corner, but Del Rio moved out of the way. Del Rio followed by tossing Bateman shoulder first into the corner. From there, Del Rio locked in the cross armbreaker submission to make Bateman quickly tap out. Daniel Bryan got in the ring to confront Del Rio and check on Bateman.

Ricardo Rodriguez was yelling in celebration outside the ring. Del Rio celebrated up on the corner, then his rookie O'Brian held his arm up as NXT ended.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio wins via submission over Derrick Bateman.

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