Thursday, December 2, 2010

WWE's MVP Released - Will be on Smackdown 12/3

Early evening on Thursday, WWE announced that it had released MVP aka Smackdown star Montell Vontavius Porter. Apparently the Smackdown Superstar had asked for his release from the company and his wish was granted. had the following release statement:

World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of WWE Superstar MVP as of December 2, 2010. WWE wishes MVP the best in all future endeavors.

MVP has been tweeting about it all day too, noting that he got what he wanted. He's also been posting some tweets which discuss the possibility of him going overseas to wrestle in Japan, seen here at his The305MVP Twitter account. Here's a few of those relevant tweets:

We all have many dreams. Realizing one sometimes prevents you from realizing another. Decisions must be pondered & made ! Stand by ...

No need for alarm. I did not get fired . I asked for & received my release. I felt it was time to go international & freshen things up.

@conorp29 They're not screwing me this time. They're actually DOING RIGHT by me ! They've honored MY request.

MVP was a consistent mid-card wrestler who achieved the United States Championship and Tag team titles, but never quite got that push into the WWE or World Heavyweight title scenario he deserved. He may have chosen to leave due to this lack of major gold in the WWE. The "Ballin'" superstar will surely be missed in the WWE. You can catch his final match on the 12/3/10 episode of Smackdown Friday night on SyFy and see a past interview MVP did on YouTube here.

Let's hope TNA isn't able to snatch MVP up. Hopefully he decides to return to WWE at some point, because if Chris Masters can return, why not MVP?

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