Thursday, February 17, 2011

WWE Superstars Results 02/17/11

WWE Superstars Results 02/17/11:

Jack Korpela and Matt Striker of Smackdown kicked off Superstars talking about Elimination Chamber coming up. Striker mentioned that they will show the replay (shortened version) of The Rock appearing on Raw this past Monday. Chris Masters arrived out for the first match.

Chris Masters vs. Tyler Reks

Reks used the ref as a shielf early on and managed to get in a kick on Masters. Masters left the ring for a bit then got back in to slam Reks to the mat. He went for the Masterlock early, but Reks escaped and regained control of the match.

Later in the match, Masters hit a huge Spinebuster up in the air to drive Reks to the mat for a near fall. Chris rammed Reks into the corner, but then got elbowed in the face. Reks jumped off the corner at Masters with a double axe handle, but Masters avoided it. He quickly locked the Masterlock on Reks and held it tight. Eventually, the ref called for the bell as Reks had passed out.

Winner: Chris Masters wins via submission over Tyler Reks.

The official theme song for WWE's 2011 Elimination Chamber PPV is "Ignition" by TobyMac. Available now on iTunes.

Yoshi Tatsu & DH Smith vs. The Usos

The Raw commentators, Josh Matthews and Scott Stanford, were now there for the latest matches. This match was still in progress after a commercial break. Superstars returned with one of the Usos keeping Yoshi down in a headlock. The Usos worked the doubleteam effectively and they kept Yoshi away from the tag.

Yoshi managed to get to his feet after another submission headlock hold. He rammed the Uso brother to the corner, but got shoved away. Yoshi came back with a spinning kick to take down the Uso. The Uso made a tag out just as Yoshi stretched over to tag Smith in.

Smith arrived in on fire and had momentum. After a leg drop he had the near fall. Smith went for a seated Powerbomb. The other Uso rushed in to break up the pinfall. Yoshi came in to make it a foursome in the ring. Yoshi got knocked down near the apron, so the ref was distracted checking on him. The Usos managed to make a switch during that. The one in the ring threw Smith shoulder first into the ringpost, then rolled him up for the winning pinfall.

Winners: The Usos win via pinfall over DH Smith and Yoshi Tatsu.

They showed the abbreviated replay of The Rock's return to Monday Night Raw. Rock will be the official host of Wrestlemania 27 in Atlanta, GA. He also made sure to tell the fans he wasn't back for the money or a movie promotion but because of the fans. Rock gave his word "I am never, ever, going away." He also had some choice words for current WWE Superstar John Cena. Rock mentioned he looks forward to seeing The Miz and Cena at Mania in several weeks.

After the replay, Josh Matthews directed fans to follow rock at his Twitter ( or Like his Facebook at

The WWE Tag Team Champions, Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov, arrived to the ring along with Santino's girlfriend, Tamina.

Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov vs. Zack Ryder & Primo

Santino threatened the Cobra on Ryder early, so Ryder backed off and ducked out under the ropes. Ryder tried to toss Santino against the ropes, but Marella shoulder blocked him down. Ryder soon took control after that and tagged Primo in for a move off the top rope. Moments later, Ryder missed on a move from the ropes and hit Primo. Santino and Kozlov did a few tag ins and out. Ryder managed to counter a Santino move and backdropped him. Primo tagged in again and had a near fall.

After commercial break, Ryder and Primo were in control of Santino, working the doubleteam tactics on him. At one point, Santino tried to jump for a tag to Kozlov, but Primo caught him in the air and ran over to tag Ryder. Ryder held Santino near the corner and worked him over. Zack tagged in Primo and tried to stand in front of Santino in the corner. Primo rushed at them with Santino shoving Ryder into Primo.

Vladimir finally made the hot tag and had momentum. He picked up Ryder for a move, but Primo came in to break it up. The heels doubleteam dropkicked Vlad back against the ropes where Santino tagged his back. With Primo and Santino legal, Santino got The Cobra ready and hit the finishing move on Primo for the win.

Post-match, Tamina joined Vladimir and Santino in the ring to celebrate. Santino did his trumpet horn celebration, then got Vladimir to do it as well.

Winners: Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov win via pinfall over Zack Ryder & Primo.

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