Thursday, April 14, 2011

WWE Superstars Results 04/14/11

WWE Superstars Results 04/14/11:

Jack Korpela and Matt Striker opened up WWE Superstars. Chris Masters was the first wrestler out to the ring on tonight's episode.

Chris Masters vs. Curt Hawkins

After a commercial break, Chris Masters made a comeback against Hawkins, dropping him several times. A bloody mouth Masters followed by hitting a shoulder tackle off the second rope. After the near fall, Masters signaled for the Masterlock. He went for it, but Hawkins was able to toss him off and level him for the near fall.

The match finished with Masters ducking a clothesline from Hawkins, then dumping him on the apron. From there, he locked the Masterlock on Hawkins before yanking him into the ring. Hawkins passed out, giving Masters the win.

Winner: Chris Masters wins via submission over Curt Hawkins.

They showed a replay of some of Edge's retirement speech on Monday Night Raw. On Friday, Edge will surrender the World Heavyweight championship on Smackdown.

Gail Kim & Natalya vs. Maryse & Melina

A Raw divas tag match was the second contest of the night. During the match, Gail Kim hit a huge crossbody on Melina for the near fall. Maryse tried to come in to help but Gail took her out. Moments later, Melina dropped Gail against the top rope then attacked her. Melina kept up the attack.

The heels started a doubleteam attack on Gail to wear her down as Natalya could only watch from the apron. Natalya got the crowd to do a bit of a "Gail" chant. Maryse gave the ref her hand to the face when he tried to warn her at one point.

Later in the match, Natalya finally got the tag in and started cleaning house, taking down the heels. All four divas got involved towards the end, with Natalya and Maryse remaining to fight in the ring. Natalya was able to grab Maryse and get her into the Sharpshooter, making Maryse tap.

Winners: Gail Kim & Natalya win via submission over Melina & Maryse.

They showed a highlight video package about the Undertaker vs Triple H fight from Wrestlemania 27.

Zack Ryder arrived out to the ring for the main event match. He got on the mic to talk about how everyone got Wrestlemania spotlight except him. He said it's all good because he's an internet star who's got his own YouTube show. He said next he'll make Great Khali his personal punching bag.

The Great Khali vs. Zack Ryder

Stanford reminded fans that Khali won a Lumberjack battle royal before Wrestlemania 27. Ryder went for a boot kick, but Khali grabbed his leg and shoved him down. He prepared for punches on Ryder in a corner, but the ref stopped him. Ryder begged for Khali's mercy, then tried to punch him before running out of the ring.

Ryder got on the apron and was distracted by fans, so Khali grabbed him and tossed him in the ring. Khali went to work in the corners with a few huge chest chops. Ryder finally hit a dropkick to take out Khali's legs and ground him for the attack.

Khali was back to his feet very soon though and managed to grab Ryder for the Punjabi Plunge to finish it. Khali danced in the ring with Singh to entertain the crowd as Scott Stanford signed off.

Winner: The Great Khali wins via pinfall over Zack Ryder.

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