Tuesday, July 5, 2011

WWE NXT Results 07/05/11

NXT Results from Tucson, AZ:

Todd Grisham said a wrench has been thrown into the finals of NXT as a third rookie has been added to the mix. Matt Striker and Maryse were in the ring to introduce the remaining NXT rookies: Darren Young, Titus O'Neil and Derrick Bateman.

Striker reminded them the winner gets a roster spot on Season 6, and also gets to pick their pro. Maryse updated the standings: Derrick Bateman has 0, Darren Young has 7 and Titus O'Neil has 22 points.

First up, a "Talk the Talk" Challenge, with the topic "Winning NXT." Maryse chose Darren Young to go first. Young spoke about the problem that there were 2 finalists as of last week but they added Derrick Bateman. He told Bateman and the crowd he'll win NXT without a pro, by himself. Titus O'Neil said he really doesn't care who's in the competition because he's dominated from start to finish. He tossed up a bunch of redemption points saying he can make it rain.

Derrick Bateman told Titus he's about as creative as he is talented. He made fun of Young for being back on NXT after being part of NEXUS and main eventing Summerslam last year. Bateman told the crowd he and Daniel Bryan are internet kings. Bateman suggested some Twitter hashtags: #batewin #tucsonrocks #chicksinamerica Maryse asked for crowd response on tonight's winner and it clearly went in favor of Titus O'Neil, who got 3 more redemption points to give him 25 total.

Regal called the challenge one of the most diabolical things he's seen in recent times.

Yoshi Tatsu vs. Tyson Kidd

They showed footage of how Tyson Kidd tore apart Yoshi's action figure in the locker room last week. Yoshi attacked Kidd for it, causing two refs to pull him back. Regal said he'd be upset too if someone tore up his action figure. Tyson Kidd arrived out wearing the broken leg of Yoshi's action figure on a chain around his neck.

Early on, Yoshi got in a roundhouse kick and Kidd went to the outside. Outside the ring, Yoshi continued with chest chops on Kidd near the crowd barrier. He tossed Kidd back in the ring, but Kidd gained control as Yoshi got in. Kidd knocked Yoshi out of the ring right before commercial. The commercial was the promo for the anti-bullying movie "That's What I Am" starring Randy Orton and Ed Harris.

Kidd continued to stay in control of Yoshi after break. Yoshi made a comeback and after a kick to Kidd seated on the mat, Yoshi had the near fall. He slowly went to the corner for a high risk move. Kidd rushed over for a superplex attempt, but Yoshi dropped him face first to the mat. Yoshi followed with a spinning hip/leg to the head. Kidd managed to barely escape the pinfall.

In the closing moments, Yoshi went for his roundhouse kick, but Kidd dropkicked him in the shin, then hit a snap suplex-style move for the win.

Winner: Tyson Kidd wins via pinfall over Yoshi Tatsu.

They showed a Derrick Bateman promo video. Bateman talked about since losing on NXT he finished 3rd in a soap box derby, raised a new cat named "Simon" and is now back for Season 5 to seek his Redemption. He said people might not think it's fair to come in this late in the season, but he asked if it was fair to be eliminated in front of his own parents in Cleveland, OH? Bateman said he doesn't have a dog bark, but he does have a wonderful personality and the greatest pro in the history of professionals.

Backstage, Hornswoggle had a boquet of dead flowers, Twizzlers and banana peels. Titus tried to tell Hornswoggle he needs to give it up. Hornswoggle didn't listen and rushed over to Maryse and gave the bouquet to her. She pretended to be in awe of them, then told Hornswoggle to close his eyes for a little something. He sprayed some breath spray in his mouth and closed his eyes. Maryse smashed the bouquet over Hornswoggle's head and yelled stuff at him in French before storming off. Titus came over and told Horney there's plenty of other women out there.

Daniel Bryan & Derrick Bateman vs. Darren Young & Titus O'Neil

Titus took control early on Derrick Bateman and did his dog bark to the crowd. Regal talked about how Titus keeps getting better and better. A tag was made to bring Darren Young in to work on Bateman some more. Titus was back in again and slammed Bateman down for a near fall, then tagged Young back in. Regal spoke about how the two NXT rooks should do their best to get rid of Bateman from the competition.

Bateman managed to knock Young into Titus and then knocked Titus off the apron. He finally tagged in Bryan who came in on fire. Bryan with a running flip off the corner and a big clothesline on Young from against the ropes. Bryan had a huge diving headbutt move for a near fall on Young.

Bateman hit a face forward slam move similar to Skullcrushing Finale to get the pinfall on Darren Young.

Winners: Derrick Bateman & Daniel Bryan win via pinfall over Darren Young & Titus O'Neil.

Regal and Grisham talked about what's going on with Raw involving CM Punk, Vince McMahon and John Cena. They introduced a video of what happened on last night's Raw when Mr. McMahon showed up to address John Cena's comments. Vince said he suspended Punk because he deserved it, and that he did it for the WWE Universe, because it's best for them. He added how CM Punk was trying to get all sorts of incentives to renew his contract. Vince said Punk got what he deserved.

John Cena came out to prevent McMahon from leaving after saying that. He confronted Vince for being afraid to fight for freedom of speech. Cena stated his case that he wants the match against CM Punk at Money in the Bank. McMahon admitted he doesn't want to be embarrassed by Cena losing the title to Punk and having him take the WWE Championship away.

Cena tried to stir Vince up asking if McMahon would suspend him if he said something he didn't like. Vince told Cena he doesn't want to take the chance that Cena will lose to Punk. Cena told Vince to give the people what they really want and to not let his ego get in the way.

Vince told Cena it's his company not Cena's, and before Cena there were others. Cena handed the WWE Championship belt to Vince and said he doesn't want to be a part of what this company is. Cena walked up the ramp but Vince told him to hold it. He walked up there with the belt in hand and told Cena he would reinstate Punk for the MITB match. He added that if Cena loses the match at MITB he's fired.

NXT ended with the Raw highlights and no sign-off from Grisham or Regal on NXT.

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