Wednesday, October 26, 2011

WWE NXT Results 10/26/11

WWE NXT Results from Houston, TX:

Jack Korpela opened the show alongside William Regal. Host Matt Striker was in the ring with Titus O'Neil and Derrick Bateman, the two remaining rookies in the redemption season. Bateman had JTG and Maxine with him. Titus had Percy Watson with him. Bateman tried to thank JTG and lock lips with Maxine, but Titus interrupted saying if they wanted to see "Dolphin Tales" they'd go to the movies. He said they don't want to see that, they'd rather see the next breakout star, Titus O'Neil.

Striker intervened and said tonight's challenge is actually "Talk the Talk" and gave each rookie a chance to talk about his opponent. Bateman insulted the local fans telling them to go up the road to see Dallas if they want to see real football. Bateman said he doesn't cater to the WWE Universe like Titus, he caters to a universe of one. He pulled Maxine forward for another kiss.

Titus said he's wearing pink trunks tonight because of losing grandmothers to breast cancer, so he's supporting the cause. That got a big pop from the crowd. Titus kept up his talk and then had the crowd do his dog chant in support of him. Striker had the crowd vote and Titus clearly had their support. Titus got back on the mic to talk more trash about Maxine looking like a fish. Percy Watson dissed JTG's outfit and grandmother chain. That got JTG to punch Percy. Striker intervened in the brawl in the ring, then arranged two matches: Titus vs. Bateman, and Percy vs. JTG, now.

Percy Watson vs. JTG

After a commercial break, JTG managed to knock Percy off the apron. JTG went out of the ring and got down, waited for Percy to stand up and clotheslined him down hard before tossing him back into the ring. A pinfall attempt failed by JTG so he began choking Percy against the ropes.

Later, JTG went for a move off the corner, but Percy got up and hit JTG face-first into his knee to counter. Percy began to strike away on JTg and then dropkicked him down, before a huge clothesline. Percy did his huge splash move for a near fall. He finished JTG with "The Persecution" flapjack slam for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Percy Watson wins via pinfall over JTG.

Backstage, Curt Hawkins was complaining to Tyson Kidd. Apparently, Hawkins was suspended for coming over to "hijack Raw." Matt Striker was there to explain it to him, saying he seems like a smart guy and to just stay cool for a week. Kidd told Striker he might want to be smarter about what he says to a guy with a big stick as Hawkins lifted up a cane he had in hand. Striker told Kidd he's got a match next against one of the Uso's.

Jey Uso vs. Tyson Kidd

The Uso's did their native preparatory dance and chant up on the stage before heading to the ring area. Kidd came out accompanied by Hawkins who was walking with a limp and using his cane down the ramp.

Early on, Kidd took control with a huge kick to take down Jey for a near fall. He followed up with a knee to the throat in the corner area. Kidd kept up the attack with a huge elbow to Jey's face. Jimmy started pounding the mat to rally Jey with the crowd. Jey fought to his feet only for Kidd to throw him down.

Jey hit a huge superkick to knock Kidd down before heading to the apron and up onto the corner. Curt Hawkins went over and hit his cane against the ropes but it didn't really do anything. Jey jumped off the corner for the Splash but Kidd got both knees up. The ref yelled at Hawkins who said he was just watching. Meanwhile as Jey got up still stumbling around, Kidd grabbed him for the Fishermen's neckbreaker move to win it.

Post-match, Hawkins and Kidd tried to make a beatdown/attack. Yoshi Tatsu rushed out to make a big save. The heels backed up the ramp grinning and pointing to the injured Uso's in the ring.

Winner: Tyson Kidd wins via pinfall over Jey Uso.

William Regal gave thanks to Flo Rida for "Good Feeling" the official theme song for 2011 Survivor Series, now available on iTunes.

From there, they launched into Raw Rebound. It covered the events of Monday's Raw where Cena told John Laurinaitis he wanted a match with Miz and Truth because they keep messing with him and he's sick of it. Laurinaitis picked Cena's partner, Zack Ryder, who got beat up backstage by Miz and Truth during his interview. The main event still went forth as a 2-on-1 handicap match, Truth and Miz versus Cena. Truth and Miz tried to attack Cena using steel chairs, but Laurinaitis came down to the ring and told them to leave at once. He granted Cena the choice of his partner for Survivor Series to face Miz and Truth. Cena said he chooses someone who can bring it "The Rock."

Backstage, AJ and Kaitlyn were talking in the locker room. AJ said there is plenty of tension and drama around there. Kaitlyn said she can handle it and she's going to take out Tamina without her seeing it coming tonight. Tamina had walked into the locker room and was behind Kaitlyn. AJ sort of pointed and Kaitlyn turned around to see Tamina. Tamina said she's going to smash Kaitlyn's face all over the ring tonight.

Kaitlyn vs. Tamina

Tamina took control early using power moves to dominate. She put a chinlock on Kaitlyn on the mat with Kaitlyn fighting to get loose. Kaitlyn tried a surprise roll up pinfall but Tamina kicked out then clotheslined her down. Kaitlyn kept trying to fight back with Tamina punching her back down. Tamina went for a big move with Kaitlyn on her shoulders. Kaitlyn countered to turn it into a sunset flip pinfall for the win. Regal called it a full double leg nelson for the pinfall.

Winner: Kaitlyn wins by pinfall over Tamina.

Titus O'Neil vs. Derrick Bateman

For the main event, AJ joined Korpela and Regal on commentary for the matchup. Titus arrived to the ring first by himself. Bateman brought Maxine with him, who then went on commentary along with the others.

Titus got an early start with several slams on Bateman and beat on him in the corner. AJ and Maxine started having a bit of a verbal war with Maxine bringing up AJ's relationship with Titus and Hornswoggle. Bateman escaped the ring and went over towards Maxine to recover. Bateman managed to regain the match once he got back in the ring, knocking Titus off the apron and then jumped off the apron to dropkick him down.

Titus picked up Bateman and slammed him against his knee then used multiple shoulder blocks and punches. He clotheslined Bateman down before getting riled up and doing his dog barking. Titus went for a huge move off the corner, with Bateman avoiding it and slamming Titus to the mat. Bateman then got a quick rollup pinfall for the win.

Post-match, Maxine got in the ring Bateman who called this "the greatest day of my entire life." He said he conquered his biggest foe tonight. Bateman started saying he's always known he loved Maxine and everything he does is for her. Bateman said he had an important question for her, then got down on one knee to ask her to marry him.

Maxine thought about it for a moment than slapped him hard. Bateman was taken back by it. Maxine went over and started to kiss him passionately as they started stumbling around the ring. Bateman stumbled back and yelled out "she said yes!" As Bateman was hugging Maxine she had a weird look on her face like she didn't know what was going on or made a mistake. Meanwhile, Titus and AJ were ringside shaking their heads over it all.

Winner: Derrick Bateman wins via pinfall over Titus O'Neil.

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