Wednesday, November 30, 2011

WWE NXT Results 11/30/11

NXT Results from Charlotte, NC:

Matt Striker was on commentary as the show opened. Tyler Reks' theme music hit as he and Hawkins arrived out for the first match. Josh Matthews joined Striker on commentary for the show. Striker announced the main event is a huge Triple Threat match with the winner receiving a match on Smackdown.

Percy Watson vs. Tyler Reks

Hawkins joined Striker and Matthews on commentary, and traded remarks with Striker, making fun of Percy Watson. Late in the match, Percy hit his huge Splash move for a near fall. Hawkins left commentary to go cheer on Reks. He tried to distract Percy from ringside, which allowed Reks to throw Percy down to the mat. Reks got up on the corner for a big move, but got dropkicked mid-air by Percy. Watson took the big pinfall for the win, but before he could celebrate a victory was knocked out of the ring by Hawkins.

Winner: Percy Watson wins via pinfall over Tyler Reks.

Backstage, Johnny Curtis was trying to flirt with Kaitlyn when Maxine came walking up all irritated. Maxine talked about how Curtis was "settling for that" and Kaitlyn asked her what her problem was. Curtis told Kaitlyn to find him in his bus after his match. Kaitlyn gave a weird look and walked off. Maxine said it's frustrating to see him talking to her and then settling for something like that. Curtis told her there's enough of him to go around town and back again. Maxine said if he knew how to treat a woman in the first place he might have her. They moved close for a near kiss, with Curtis kissing his fingers and then planting them on her lips before walking off.

Bateman came walking up saying he was sorry about last week, but Maxine told him to shut up, grabbed him and planted a huge kiss on him. She let go and he said he wanted to introduce her to his mother, who was standing there. Maxine was surprised by gave her a hug. Bateman walked off saying he has to prepare for a big match. Maxine tried to tell his mom it was so nice to meet her, but Mrs. Bateman gave her a warning: she said she's seen her looking at Johnny Curtis and if she hurts her son, she'll take her down. As she left the scene, Striker said Derrick's mom is named Agnes J Bateman.

Yoshi Tatsu & Trent Barreta vs. Johnny Curtis & Tyson Kidd

Late in the match, Barreta hit a corkscrew, moonsault legdrop on Kidd, but both guys hit the mat. Finally, Trent managed a hot tag to Yoshi, while Kidd tagged in Curtis. Yoshi came in like a ball of fire, flying around the move and taking down Curtis multiple times. Yoshi revved up for a big move and got on the corner for a high risk move. He flew off with his kick, but Curtis avoided it and then hit the big fishermen's suplex for the victory.

Winners: Johnny Curtis & Tyson Kidd win via pinfall over Yoshi Tatsu & Trent Barreta.

NXT returned with a replay from the Raw SuperShow with Piper's Pit hosted by Rowdy Roddy Piper. Piper tried to get John Cena fired up after what's happened between him and The Rock, and how some fans are anti-Cena.

Alicia Fox vs. Maxine

Maxine took Alicia down and put on a headlock. Alicia powered to her feet, but Maxine threw her back down to the mat for a few near falls. Derrick Bateman and his mother came out on stage to watch the match, with Bateman's mother signaling she had her eyes on her. Maxine was distracted, allowing Alicia Fox to gain control and hit a big leg drop on Maxine for the win.

Bateman and his mom looked frustrated up on the stage. Alicia backed up the ramp all smiles after her big win. Maxine was screaming down by ringside and then started walking up the ramp screaming "why'd you come out here?"

Winner: Alicia Fox wins via pinfall over Maxine.

Titus O'Neil vs. Derrick Bateman vs. Darren Young
Triple Threat Match

Late in the match, Titus took down Darren Young, and then picked up Bateman. He tossed Bateman backwards overhead, but then Young attacked him. Titus gained the upperhand though and hit a huge scoop slam on him. Young went out on the apron and Titus went out there after him. Young gained control there and hit a neckbreaker on the apron. Titus rolled back into the ring, and then Bateman got up to run over and dropkick Young off the apron. Bateman stole the winning pinfall on Titus.

Post-match, Bateman got on the mic and called out his bride-to-be, Maxine. Bateman said they'd be going back to Smackdown where they belong. Maxine's music started up but she wasn't arriving out from backstage. Tamina came walking out with JTG instead. Tamina was trying to tell him something nicely, but JTG took the mic and told her not to sugarcoat it. JTG told Bateman that his baby left with Johnny Curtis. Bateman grabbed his face and looked enraged as NXT ended.

Winner: Derrick Bateman wins the Triple Threat match by pinfall over Titus O'Neil.

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