Monday, March 25, 2013

Raw Results 03/25/13

WWE Raw Results from Philadelphia, PA:

CM Punk came to the ring to talk about his match with Taker and the "Streak."  Punk brought up the urn and how it relates to Taker's powers.  Punk mentions that Taker's career is being re-written by the best in the world.  Punk says for the first time ever, Taker's at a psychological disadvantage and is scared.  He throws the urn to the mat.  The lights go out and Taker appears in the ring, then starts unloading on Punk in the corner.  Heyman picks up the urn and runs backstage.  Punk escaped the ring and ran up the ramp, with Heyman coming out with the urn to hand to Punk.  Punk taunted Taker who then did the cutthroat signal in the ring as he stared out at Punk and Heyman.

Fandango arrived out for his "debut" match along with his dancer.  He got on the mic and says his name but then Chris Jericho interrupted and ran down to spear Fandango in the ring.  Jericho beat up on Fandango who finally escaped and headed backstage with his dancer.  Cole says Jericho is going to go up against Dolph Ziggler in the upcoming match.

Chris Jericho defeated Dolph Ziggler by submission.  Late in the match, Big E got on the apron with Jericho in control, so Jericho jumped off the side ropes to hit a dropkick move, sending Langston to the floor.  Dolph caught Jericho off guard with a DDT getting a near fall.  Moments later, Jericho regained control and locked the Walls of Jericho on Ziggler, forcing him to tap.

Post-match, Jericho was celebrating his win in the ring when Big E smashed him down from behind.  He put his finisher on Jericho then yelled at him that his time is over.  After Ziggler and his crew left, Fandango came to the ring with his dancer.  He did a brief dance near Jericho on the mat before sending his dancer out of the ring.  From there, he beat up Jericho a bit, with Jericho trying to fight back.  Fandango kicked him down, then got on the corner for a flying leg drop.  He got on the mic a bit later telling everyone his name.

Matt Striker talked to Sheamus backstage about what happened on SmackDown and the tension between he and Big Show.  Striker asks Sheamus if he and Orton have buried the hatchet with Show.  Shield comes in and attacks Sheamus, giving him a beatdown.  Orton arrives with a steel chair, but Shield starts to beat him up.  Big Show comes in and makes the save with Shield fleeing.

Mark Henry defeated The Uso's via pinfall in a 2-on-1 handicap match.  Late in this one, Henry was getting doubleteamed by the Uso's after a Superfly Splash for a nearfall.  Henry fought the Uso's off and sent one flying off the apron into the crowd barrier.  He then clotheslined down the other Uso and hit World's Strongest Slam for the win.  Post-match, Henry left the ring to grab the other Uso and brought him into the ring for World's Strongest Slam.  He hit another slam on the other one, then does a splash on the Uso.

Antonio Cesaro defeated Alberto Del Rio via countout.  During the match, Jack Swagger appeared at ringside and attacked Ricardo, ripping off his protective ankle boot.  Del Rio leaped out at Swagger and unloaded on him, taking the fight into the crowd.  Del Rio kicked Swagger in the jaw and eventually got counted out.  After the bell, Del Rio came into the ring and put the cross armbreaker on Cesaro before pointing up at the WM29 sign.  Del Rio then left the ring to check on RR with the trainers.

Kane and Daniel Bryan defeated The Prime Time Players via pinfall.  During the match, Ziggler, AJ and Big E came to the stage to scout their WM29 opponents.  Kane and Bryan got the easy win after lots of back and forth with PTP.  Post-match, Hell No had words with Ziggler and crew up on stage.

Triple H came to the ring talking about what will happen should he lose to Brock Lesnar at WM29.  He talked about fighting before like his life depended on it and advised Lesnar to show up like his career is on the line and like his life is on the line, because it just might be.  HHH said he's not just coming to fight, he's coming to kick Lesnar's ass.  HHH dropped the mic and left the ring to head up the ramp.  Wade Barrett's music hit and he stopped as he came down to stare at HHH.  He motioned for HHH to go backstage, but HHH kicked him in the lower area, then looked at the WM29 sign before going backstage.

The Miz defeated Wade Barrett via submission in a non-title match.  Late in this one, Barrett went for the Bullhammer Elbow, but Miz ducked it and had a near fall.  Barrett threw Miz onto the apron.  Miz ducked another move and Barrett got caught up in the ropes.  Miz dropped Barrett from there and put the Figure Four on to make him tap out.

Team Hell No was backstage arguing about Ziggler, Langston and then AJ.  They argued that neither one of them had got over her.  Kaitlyn came in to tell them to just get over AJ.  Bryan said easier for her to say since AJ isn't after her title.  AJ was shown listening nearby as Kaitlyn started talking about how crazy AJ is.  AJ suddenly snapped and attacked her with Hell No having to pull her away.

The Shield defeated Great Khali, Zack Ryder & Justin Gabriel via pinfall.  The Shield won in under 3 minutes, getting the pin Gabriel after a double-team combo.  Post-match, Khali got back in the ring and Shield beat him down.  The followed that with the Triple Powerbomb to make an example for Orton, Sheamus and Show.

After their antics, Sheamus' music hit and he came to the ramp.  Orton came out next to join him and they started down the ramp towards Shield in the ring.  Suddenly, Show appeared on the other side of the ring from out of the crowd.  Show, Orton and Sheamus got in the ring to clean house.  Shield took off into the crowd.

Team Rhodes Scholars defeated Brodus Clay and Tensai via pinfall.  A brawl broke out at ringside involving the Bellas, Naomi and Cameron.  Tensai went over to try to pull the Funkadactyls away.  Meanwhile, Sandow was on the apron with Clay trying to hit him.  Sandow yanked Clay against the top rope causing him to stagger back with Cody hitting a Disaster Kick on Clay for the win.

Cole and Lawler introduced a clip from "G.I. Joe Retaliation" opening this week starring The Rock.

Ryback defeated 3MB in a 3-on-1 handicap match via pinfall.  Ryback dismantled 3MB, knocking Drew out of the ring at one point.  To finish things off, Ryback put Slater and Jinder up on his shoulders and hit Shellshocked on them both at once.

They showed video replays of what Swagger did to Ricardo during ADR's match with ADR rushing over to attack Swagger.

After a commercial break, Cole and Lawler talked about how Arnold Schwarzenegger will induct his friend Bruno Sammartino into the WWE Hall of Fame this year.

AJ defeated Kaitlyn via countout in a non-title match.  Kaitlyn was able to lift up AJ and dropped her across her knees.  AJ rolled to the outside with Kaitlyn following out to attack some more.  She went for a Spear, but AJ avoided it and tossed Kaitlyn hard into the timekeeper's barrier.  AJ laughed about it as she got into the ring, with Kaitlyn unable to make it in before the 10 count.

Cole confirmed Big Show, Orton and Sheamus will take on The Shield at WrestleMania 29.  He sent it to Lawler who was in the ring for the WWE Hall of Famer Q&A panel for Cena and The Rock.  Lawler introduced the four superstars on the panel: 2013 WWE Hall of Fame inductees Booker T and Mick Foley along with Dusty Rhodes (2007 WWE HOF class) and Bret Hart.  Each of the four Hall of Fame superstars got to ask questions to Cena and Rock about last year's match or this upcoming one.

Cena talked about how Rock's been the only guy to cloud his judgment enough to make him make a stupid decision.  He said he had him beat, but made the stupid choice to use Rock's own dumb move on him and then he lost.  Rock said if Cena had him beat then he should've beat him.  Rock quoted Flair saying "To be the man, you've got to beat the man."  Rock said Cena will never be the man though.

Cena talked about his goal not to just defeat Rock but to dominate him at WrestleMania.  He said Rock will be looking up at the open air stadium at Met Life after the loss and he realize he lost to the best.  Rock said he lives and breathes the words on his shirt, "Just Bring It," and after Mania he'll still be the WWE champion and the greatest.

Eventually, Rock told Cena why not bring it right now.  Cena took off his shirt and then his chain, before getting right in Rock's face.  He gave the "You Can't See Me' sign right in Rock's face, and Rock shoved him.  Cena grabbed him and put him up for the AA, but Rock slipped out of it then countered hitting Cena with Rock Bottom.  He gave his own "You Can't See Me" taunt before picking up his belt and leaving the ring.  Cena was shown looking up from the mat towards the stage area where Rock was posing with his title as Raw closed.

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