Raw Results 07/22/13
Raw Results from Austin TX:
Raw opened with Brad Maddox in the ring for the WWE title match contract signing for Summerslam. John Cena and Daniel Bryan both came to the ring. Cena talked about choosing Bryan because he earned the opportunity and Cena wants to compete against "the best there is" right now in WWE. He said the best won't be enough to beat him though. Maddox tried to insult Bryan, drawing boos from the crowd. Maddox eventually said Bryan will prove himself in multiple matches tonight on Raw.
Alberto Del Rio defeated Sheamus via pinfall in a non-title match. During the match, ADR focused on Sheamus' bruised leg from the MITB ladder match. The close saw Sheamus go for White Noise but his leg gave out, and Del Rio rolled him up for the pinfall.
Backstage, Renee Young interviewed former SmackDown GM Booker T and Teddy Long. Booker said he respects the decision Vince made to make Vickie the new GM, but was shocked by it. Teddy started to get upset, saying he had to hold the bag for Booker while he was away for his injury. Booker got irritated and Teddy said maybe Mr. McMahon made the right decision for Booker's future.
Christian defeated Titus O'Neil via pinfall. Late in the match, Christian went for Killswitch. Darren Young got involved to distract Christian, helping Titus. Moments later in the match, Titus didn't follow up on a big move and Christian hit him with the Killswitch.
Josh Matthews tried to interview Ryback backstage about his attack on Chris Jericho on SmackDown. Ryback told Matthews 'people like you deserve to be intimidated by me." He threatened to hurt Matthews, so Josh thanked him and took off.
Dolph Ziggler defeated Darren Young via pinfall. Ziggler hit the Zig Zag just under the 4:30 mark of the match. Post-match, Big E Langston rushed into the ring and tried to attack, but Ziggler clotheslined him to the outside. Big E tried to rush back into the ring, but Ziggler slid to the outside. Ziggler then taunted AJ and Big E from the outside.
Mark Henry came to the ring to talk about how he's proud to be a born-and-raised Texan, and proud he grew up down the street in Silsbee, TX. He added that he was proud of the effort he gave at MITB against John Cena for the WWE title. He then said he wasn't proud of what happened to him last week. Henry called out The Shield, and their music eventually hit, bringing them through the crowd.
Shield got into the ring and all three men cornered Henry, then started to kick and stomp away on him. Suddenly, The Uso's music hit and they came rushing to the ring to make a save. Usos and Henry eventually cleared the ring of The Shield who took off through the crowd.
Backstage in the locker room, Cena walked in to talk to Daniel Bryan, saying he wants him in one piece for Summerslam. Bryan told him to let him go out and prove himself tonight with his three matches, otherwise all the stuff Cena said earlier was a "load of crap." Bryan walked off leaving Cena to think over what he just said.
The Miz hosted MizTV with the cast of upcoming E! show "Total Divas" as his guests. He introduced Bella Twins, Eva Marie, Jo-Jo, Natalya, Cameron & Naomi. Miz handed over the segment to Jerry Lawler, who said hi to the divas he knew and then introduced himself to Jo-Jo. Lawler introduced himself to Eva Marie, but she wouldn't stand up to shake his hand. She told him she didn't like how he was looking at her, and said she is here to make a name for herself. She slapped Lawler in the face, so Lawler gave the mic back to Miz and said he was done with this. The divas walked off and waved to the crowd as the "Total Divas" music played.
Backstage, Triple H walked in on Brad Maddox confronting him about the things he said about Daniel Bryan, as if he was told by "the old man" to say them. Triple H said it doesn't matter what Maddox throws at Bryan, because he'll overcome anything. Hunter told Maddox to think about the two trains leaving the station: the future, and the dead-end. HHH left and Stephanie came walking in. She told Maddox she has an idea, but hasn't fully thought it through yet. She told Maddox to make sure he's on board, then told him to stay focused.
Cody Rhodes defeated Fandango via pinfall. Damien Sandow was on commentary during the match. Late in the match, Cody hit a moonsault on Fandango, who rolled to the outside. Sandow tried to interfere, but Rhodes took him out and then took out Fandango in the ring for a pin.
CM Punk came to the ring, limping, to discuss getting beat up by Brock Lesnar and betrayed by Heyman. He said even though Lesnar kept beating him down, he kept getting up and he's still standing. He said with Heyman, he made the wrong decision and he will make him regret it the rest of his life. Punk issued a challenge saying he wants Lesnar at Summerslam in a battle of "The Best vs. The Beast." Paul Heyman appeared on the big screen, eventually telling Punk that his challenge for Summerslam was accepted, even though Punk's in no condition to fight. Heyman said it's not "The Best vs. The Beast," because Brock Lesnar is the best. He said that man is his client and best friend in the world. The segment ended with a stare down between the two, with Cole saying this will be one of the most anticipated matches in Summerslam history.
Rob Van Dam defeated Wade Barrett via pinfall. Late in this one, RVD hit Rolling Thunder for the near fall. He followed up with a cannonball splash off the top rope for another near fall. He connected on a leaping back-kick to knock Barrett to the mat, then climbed up the corner and hit the Five Star Frogsplash for the win.
Daniel Bryan came to the ring to find out his three opponents. First out, was Jack Swagger along with Antonio Cesaro and Zeb Colter.
Daniel Bryan defeated Jack Swagger via submission. During the match, Swagger got distracted by an "OU Sucks" chant, which allowed Bryan to slap on the Yes! Lock and ultimately make Swagger tap out.
Daniel Bryan defeated Antonio Cesaro via pinfall. In a match that lasted well over 15 minutes, the two traded big moves and near falls. At one point, Cesaro went for the Neutralizer, but Bryan hit a back drop to counter. At another spot, Cesaro was knocked out of the ring and Swagger tried to help him, but Bryan hit a suicide-dive splash onto both of them. Back in the ring, Bryan was able to avoid Cesaro's European Uppercut move, and then dropped him on the mat to roll Cesaro up for the pinfall.
With Bryan looking worn down from the long fight against Cesaro, Bryan's final opponent was announced: Ryback.
Daniel Bryan defeated Ryback via DQ. During the match, Ryback went outside and set up a table, but Bryan did a running dive to smash Ryback into the table. Later in this one, Bryan went for a running knee, but Ryback intercepted him and power bombed Bryan to the floor. Ryback then power bombed Bryan through the table outside the ring, causing the ref to call for the bell.
Post-match, John Cena came down to the ring and attacked Ryback, punching and kicking him. He tossed him into the ring and clotheslined Ryback over the top rope. Ryback headed up the ramp with Cena getting on the mic to challenge him to a Tables Match, with no day for the match set up.
After the match, they showed Maddox backstage in his GM office applauding the tables match that was just set up for next week. Mr. McMahon walked in and wanted answers about Daniel Bryan. He told Maddox to book him in a match with someone who will bring out Bryan's vicious side, maybe Kane. He suggested Bryan vs. Kane for next week.
Back to the arena, D-Bryan got back in the ring to celebrate with the University of TX fans as Cena watched form the outside. Raw went off the air with Bryan celebrating to close the show.
Labels: Alberto Del Rio, Brad Maddox, Christian, Daniel Bryan, John Cena, RAW Recap, Sheamus, Summerslam, WWE Recap, WWE Recaps
Nice post! I really admire your work.
Nice post! I really admire your work.
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