Armageddon 2007, Edge & Finlay

Pictured above is the 2007 Armageddon poster featuring Batista. The event comes our way December 16th at 8PM EST on Pay Per View. It's looking like the main events will be some sort of WWE title defense for Orton vs. Jericho, and maybe a Triple Threat for the World Heavyweight (Edge vs. Taker vs. Batista). I was expecting Mr. Kennedy to be wearing the IC title by now, but right now he's feuding with HBK, so it remains to be seen if he captures that title. Most likely those two battle at Armageddon also.
Recent wrestling blogs and writers have been criticizing the move by Finlay to become a face. Recently he's come to the aid of Hornswoggle during fights with Great Khali and Carlito. This past Friday he was in a handicap match with the leprechaun on Smackdown against Mark Henry, and Khali came down post-match to attack. Another blogger suggested that Finlay feud with Chuck Palumbo and that makes good sense and probably would provide for some great contests. Even a feud with an ECW member wouldn't hurt, such as Tommy Dreamer. Finlay makes a great heel, just as guys like Santino and MVP seem to. Wouldn't be too surprised to see Finlay and Hornswoggle beat Morrison and the Miz for the tag titles at some point.
The Vicki Guerrero and Edge relationship is also a strange one that I wasn't expecting. Not sure if this was the original plan based on Edge's injury, but it seems like it was concocted at the last moment to provide a reason for Edge's return and attack of the Undertaker. They most likely saw how well Lita and Edge worked as heels and decided to go that route again.
Don't forget to mark your calendars and set your TIVO's for the big 3 hour Raw Anniversary show on December 10th. The show celebrates 15 years of the show running. It hasn't ever aired a repeat. In its history it's run on USA most of that time with maybe a few shows or just one airing on Sci Fi. Check out an article on about the upcoming episode.
And finally a Happy Birthday to Beth Phoenix! Today the diva turned 27, and continues to enjoy her new title reign!
Labels: Armageddon, Batista, Beth Phoenix, Chris Jericho, Edge, Finlay, Hornswaggle, Hornswoggle, Randy Orton, Undertaker, Vickie Guerrero
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