Friday, August 14, 2009

Smackdown Recap 08.14.09

Smackdown Recap from Edmonton, Alberta Canada:

After Smackdown opened with its fireworks intro, Jim Ross and Todd Grisham welcomed fans, and discussed one of tonight's matches Big Show vs Shad of Cryme Tyme. They showed a recap of Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk from last week with Matt Hardy as guest enforcer and Punk's beatdown post-match.

CM Punk came to the ring to start off the show, and he discussed the fans being hypnotized by Jeff Hardy. He said he was no longer going to try to convince them to be straight-edge like him, but instead he now knows he must just end Jeff Hardy. Punk said a one-on-one match will do this for him. He also talked up his accomplishments and mentioned why he'll do good in a TLC match, since he won back to back MITB ladder matches at Wrestlemania 24 and 25. Punk then said it looks like Jeff is going to screw up another big moment since he won't make it to Summerslam (after Punk beat him up last week).

Smackdown GM Teddy Long came out to interrupt. He told Punk that what he did last week was deplorable and that Jeff was there tonight, but unable to compete. Long said that Punk will face a man who's beat him two times now, John Morrison. Punk called Long a Jeff Hardy suck-up, and said he'd beat Morrison, and then Long's poster boy, Hardy.

Jeff Hardy came out to the ring next and got right in Punk's face. He told him he'd beat Summerslam and would successfully defend the title. Jeff moved gingerly and held his title up carefully, while also holding the side of his head as he exited the ring.

Ross and Grisham discussed the Kane incident from a week ago, when he kidnapped Ranjin Singh and dragged him through the crowd. JR speculated that Kane is holding Singh hostage somewhere in the building with him.

Vince McMahon called Smackdown GM Theodore Long to complain about how he's handling the show tonight. Vince reminded Long he's still on probation. Vince ordered Teddy to put Jeff Hardy in a handicap match for later on. Teddy booked Jeff Hardy vs Hart Dynasty in a 2-on-1 Hanidcap.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Finlay

Early on, Ziggler headbutted Finlay down as the two men fought on the apron. Ziggler kicked Finlay in the head, and as he put him back in the ring, Mike Knox began to make his way down the ramp. After a commercial, Finlay was able to get out of Ziggler's hold down on the mat for some offense. Finlay speared Ziggler, threw punches, but was stopped by a Ziggler neckbreaker. Finlay escaped a move attempted by Ziggler off the ropes, and did a cannonball as well. Finlay had been unable to score a pin, so he pulled Ziggler to the outside of the ring onto the apron in front of Mike Knox. Finlay clotheslined Ziggler off the apron. Knox went at Finlay, as Ziggler was able to get back in the ring. Finlay gave a shot to Knox from the apron, then turned to strike Ziggler as well. The ref began talking to Ziggler about something and was distracted. Mike Knox grabbed the shillaleigh and clocked Finlay with it. This allowed Ziggler to hit his quick finisher, planting Finlay on the mat for a pinfall.

After the bell, Knox continued his beating up on Finlay, including a sideslam onto the steel steps. He cut a promo on the mic warning Finlay about how he can cause excruciating pain just by a simple trauma to his vertebrae.

Winner: Ziggler wins via pinfall over Finlay.

JR and Grisham mentioned tonight's matches including Morrison vs Punk and Jeff Hardy vs Hart Dynasty.

The camera cut to somewhere in the arena where Kane had Ranjin Singh tied up in a chair. Kane operated a camera and told Singh to say the lines he gave him. Singh said his name and that he was being punished due to associating with Great Khali, but has been treated fairly, well taken care of. Singh tried to deliver a message in his native language for Khali, but Kane slapped him in the face. Kane turned the camera to show his face, then told Khali to come see his handiwork in person.

Maria and Melina were backstage talking about Summerslam weekend. Maria was saying she had some plans with Dolph Ziggler that weekend. Just then, Layla walked in and said Ziggler can do better than Maria. Layla delivered a message to Melina that Michelle McCool will be returning to Smackdown next week.

John Morrison vs. CM Punk

As the action got more intense down the stretch, Morrison and Punk exchanged kicks with J-Mo taking control. Morrison then landed a standing moonsault on Punk for a 2 count. Morrison climbed onto the corner and hit a crossbody on Punk for another 2 count. Punk regained control and went for GTS. With Morrison up, Punk brought him over to the corner and rammed him face first into the turnbcukle. Punk hit his running knee on Morrison followed by a bulldog from the corner. Morrison was able to get a twirling DDT to break up the momentum. Morrison tried for Starship Pain, with Punk escaping by moving away. Morrison landed on his feet, and went for a rollup pin, but only got two. Morrison hit Punk with a knee, then went for another Starship Pain attempt. Punk eluded the move and shoved Morrison onto the top rope crotch first. Punk was able to get Morrison hung upside down in a tree of woe, where he kicked him several times. From there, Punk grabbed Morrison and hit GTS from the corner for a winning pin.

Winner: CM Punk wins via pinfall over John Morrison.

Melina vs. Layla

This WWE divas match lasted under five minutes. It began with Layla slapping Melina then running outside the ring. Melina caught her, but Layla hit a clothesline. Back in the ring, Layla used arm-drag takedown then converted into a pinfall. From there, Layla worked on using some stretch-submission style holds to work on Melina and wear her down. Layla choked Melina against the bottom rope, with Melina finally able to come back. With momentum in her favor she caught Layla with a few clotheslines. Melina kicked Layla, and did a sunset flip, with Layla escaping it. Layla hit a low dropkick on Melina. As the two continued their fight, Melina was able to do her split legdrop finisher on Layla to grab the pinfall victory.

Winner: Melina wins via pinfall over Layla.

Cryme Tyme came out to talk up JTG's big victory over Jericho last week, and to announce that Jericho & Show's title history won't matter because Cryme Tyme will still leave Summerslam as new tag team champions. The Canadian crowd was well in support of Chris Jericho, chanting his name.

JTG vs. Big Show

Chris Jericho joined the commentary team to provide his thoughts on the match and last week's loss. He said he had a sore throat last week to explain his loss to JTG. During the in-ring action, Show started to dominate JTG as he kept him face down on the mat to stretch out his shoulder. The crowd kept chanting for Jericho. Show whipped JTG to the corner for a splash attempt, but missed on it. Show eventually knocked JTG outside the ring, right near the commentary area. Jericho stood up, but Big Shad came over to prevent any interference. Show tossed JTG back in the ring and Jericho rammed Shad head first into the ringpost. Back in the ring, Big Show used his submission hold to end the match.

Afterwards, an angry Shad got in the ring and sent Big Show out over the top rope.
Winner: Big Show wins via pinfall over JTG.
Backstage, the camera showed Ranjin Singh hanging upside down where Kane had him hostage. Khali came in and got Singh down, but just then Kane attacked Khali with a steel pipe, hitting him several times. There was a small cage back there as well that Kane rammed Khali into. Kane said he has never feared Khali but Khali needs to fear him, then left the scene.

When Smackdown returned, Grisham and JR talked about DX. They cut to footage of Triple H's search for Shawn Michaels in Texas this past week which aired on Raw, and showed HBK at a chef's job, eventually quitting and superkicking his boss.

JR & Grisham talked about the Summerslam card including Jeff Hardy defending against CM Punk in the TLC match, and Cena vs. Orton for the WWE Title.

Jeff Hardy vs. DH Smith & Tyson Kidd

Natalya was at ringside. In the main event, a wounded, beat up Jeff Hardy tried his best early on to take it to his opponents. Unfortunately, he lost momentum after a dropkick. The Hart Dynasty worked the doubleteam effectively on their weakened opponent. Jeff fought valiantly as he was able to go to the top for a Whisper in the Wind. DH Smith tripped Jeff up and then put him crotch first on the ropes. Later still, Jeff rolled away from a splash attempt by Kidd. Kidd tagged Smith, and Jeff started to fight him off. Jeff hit a face-first suplex on Smith, then took off his shirt. He was ready to go to the top rope, and took out Kidd from the apron. Smith was able to go over and grab Jeff to bring him back in the ring for a big boot to the face. After that, the Hart Dynasty went for the Hart Attack, with Kidd hitting a springboard move as well to get the pinfall.

After the bell, CM Punk came to the ring to further attack Hardy. John Morrison rushed down for a save to fight Punk. The Harts got involved to attack Morrison. Punk smashed a steel chair over Morrison's back. Punk put a chair on Jeff's neck again to try to do the same thing he did last week. Just then, Matt Hardy rushed ot the ring and started fighting Punk to prevent any harm. Morrison was able to recover to start fighting the Harts off, and eventually they cleared the ring. Matt went over to help up Jeff Hardy, who was resistant at first.

Winner: Tyson Kidd and DH Smith win via pinfall over Jeff Hardy in a 2 on 1 Handicap match.

Backstage, WWE Chairman Vince McMahon went up to Teddy Long and asked what's in store for next week's show. Long announced Morrison & The Hardys vs. CM Punk and Hart Dynasty. Vince reminded Long he's still on probation, and left the scene. Smackdown celebrated with Punk and the Harts on the outside, and Morrison and the Hardys looking out from inside the ring.

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