WWE NXT Results 07/12/11
WWE NXT Results from Mohegan Sun Casino, CT:
They showed highlights of the big shocker that Derrick Bateman from Season 4 would join the competition against finalists Titus O'Neil and Darren Young. On last week's show, Bateman and his pro Daniel Bryan defeated Titus and Young in the main event tag match.Grisham reminded fans that Money in the Bank is in five days in Chicago. Derrick Bateman came out to start off the show. Bateman went over and shook hands with Regal before getting into the ring to pose. Bateman got on the mic to welcome fans to NXT. Bateman said the WWE begged and pleaded for him to come back and save the show. He said his opponents are seeking redemption, but he's going to redeem redemption. Bateman promised to redeem the entire WWE. The crowd started to boo, and then Darren Young came out to interrupt.
Young asked him who he thinks he is, reminding him of what he's done in the past, main eventing Summerslam, wrestling John Cena on Raw. He told Bateman he's done more in WWE already than Bateman will ever do. He then said Titus O'Neil isn't a D-Young, but at least he's been there all 19 weeks of the competitions. Bateman interrupted to ask why he's defending Titus O'Neil. Hornswoggle's music hit and Titus O'Neil came out to intervene in the convo.
The three rookies got into an argument in the ring, and almost got into a physical confrontation. That brought out Maryse to intervene. She spoke on the mic from the stage, saying the three rooks can try to prove themselves in a Triple Threat Elimination match next.
Titus O'Neil vs. Derrick Bateman vs. Darren Young
Triple Threat Elimination Match
Bateman got knocked out of the ring early leaving Titus O'Neil and Young to battle it out inside. Titus whipped Young hard to the corner, causing Young to fly over the corner and hit the outside floor. Bateman tried to help him and get an alliance. The two competitors got back in the ring to attack Titus together. They continued the strategy landing a doubleteam supled on Titus for a near fall.The crowd started up a Daniel Bryan chant as Bateman got knocked out of the ring. Young kept kicking away on Titus to keep wearing him down. They hit multiple leg drops on Titus as he was layed off the edge of the apron. Titus finally started to make a comeback as he isolated Bateman in the corner, then took down Young for a near fall.
For the first elimination, Titus hit a huge sit out powerbomb slam on Young. Bateman rushed in and hit a big dropkick on Titus, then stole the pin to eliminate Young first. NXT went to commercial, then returned with Bateman in control of O'Neil in the ring. Titus had several huge chest chops in the corner, then countered an Irish Whip to send Bateman to the corner for a splash.
Titus started up a huge bit of momentum and hit a major sidewalk slam backbreaker then did his dog barking. He tossed Bateman backwards across the ring, then quickly crawled over for a near fall. Titus went for a big clothesline from the corner, but Bateman ducked it. He used his finisher which was similar to the Skullcrushing Finale to win it.
Winner: Derrick Bateman wins via pinfall over Titus O'Neil.
Grisham introduced the Money in the Bank ladder match highlights video that was shown during last night's episode of Raw. The rules were explained of climbing the ladder to retrieve the MITB briefcase which contains a WWE contract for a title shot at anytime, any place. Highlights included various MITB ladder matches involving Jericho, Ziggler, Punk, Shelton Benjamin, Kane, Orton, Edge and others. They took a look at the Smackdown MITB ladder match competitors.
Yoshi Tatsu put a Mohegan Sun gambling chip on his broken action figure and smiled. Striker came in to ask Yoshi why he's kept this action figure instead of getting a new one. Yoshi said he plans to get back the leg for the broken figure and get back his honor.
Grisham said tonight is the rubber match between Yoshi Tatsu and Tyson Kidd.
NXT returned with a shot inside the Mohegan Sun casino looking at the gambling tables in one section. Grisham brought up Money in the Bank and the possible consequences of CM Punk winning Sunday's WWE Championship match at the PPV. They replayed highlights of CM Punk's rants and blunt statements on Raw, then showed the contract signing where Punk asked for perks for his contract. Punk tore apart his contract after getting punched down by Cena on Raw in Boston. Punk has vowed he will defeat Cena on Sunday and take the WWE Championship with him when he leaves.
Hornswoggle was backstage in the locker room staring at a framed picture of Maryse. Bottles of root beer were all over the table. Titus O'Neil came in to ask where Hornswoggle was for his match earlier. He saw Horney staring at the picture and confronted him about it saying he needs to get over her. Just then a man walked in with a package for a Mr. H. Swoggle. It was a small box with candy inside. Horney opened it and started to munch on them, then looked at the picture thinking it was from Maryse. Titus just shook his head trying to tell him it wasn't Maryse who sent them.
Vlad Kozlov was shown talking on his cell phone backstage when JTG came over and got in his face. JTG said he came to see if he was interested in another friendly wager. Kozlov reminded him that he lost their last bet. JTG said this time he bets him that he can't be more gangsta than him. JTG said Kozlov looks scared. Kozlov said he's got a deal, and then erupted with a "Booooooy!" before snapping his fingers in JTG's face. JTG was stunned and asked "what just happened?" as Kozlov walked off.
Yoshi Tatsu vs Tyson Kidd
Yoshi arrived out first followed by Kidd who was proudly wearing his necklace with the Yoshi action figure's leg on it as a pendant. Yoshi had an early advantage until he rolled out of the ring and back in, allowing Kidd to attack.Yoshi started a comeback with chest chops and a chest take down followed by quick kicks. Yoshi went for a jumping move at Kidd in the corner, with Kidd avoiding it, then jumping back up to slam Yoshi backwards onto the mat. Both guys were down, with Yoshi rolling to the outside holding his head as NXT went to commercial.
NXT returned with Kidd locking Yoshi's neck in the headscissors submission on the mat. He broke it off then did an elbow drop. He tried to send Yoshi to the ropes, with Yoshi coming back for a near fall attempt.
Later still, Yoshi gained momentum again with chest chops and a slingshot of Kidd to the corner, followed by a German suplex bridge pinfall. Kidd kicked out and managed to take out one of Yoshi's legs, then started up his own burst of momentum. Yoshi knocked Kidd out of the ring then prepared for a running jump over the ropes. Kidd was quick up to the apron with a Pele kick to Yoshi's head. He went for a springboard splash elbow drop but Yoshi got both knees up.
The finish saw Kidd try for a moonsault off the corner. Yoshi moved out of the way and Kidd hit the mat. Yoshi followed with a backwards bridge pinfall rollup to win it. He went over and retrieved the necklace with his action figure leg on it from the corner of the ring. Yoshi raised it up in victory, but Kidd smashed him down, grabbed the necklace/chain and escaped the ring. Yoshi angrily looked out at Kidd as he backed up the ramp.
Winner: Yoshi Tatsu wins via pinfall over Tyson Kidd.
Labels: Daniel Bryan, Darren Young, Derrick Bateman, Hornswoggle, Maryse, NXT Season 5, Titus O'Neil, Tyson Kidd, WWE NXT, WWE NXT News, Yoshi Tatsu
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