Monday, August 8, 2011

Raw Results 08/08/11

Raw Results from San Jose, CA:

Raw opened with COO Triple H arriving to the ring to speak to the WWE Universe. Triple H talked about how it'll be WWE Champion John Cena against WWE Champion CM Punk at Summerslam this Sunday. HHH said there will be one undisputed winner and champion this Sunday.

Triple H said he's empowered someone as a special referee to decide the match. He said that man casts a shadow over John Cena and CM Punk as well as the WWE. He said at this point in time he's the only one he can trust, so he'll be the official at this Sunday's match.

HHH said there will be an official contract signing later, but first Cena and Punk will have individual matches tonight. Cena's match will be next.

John Cena vs. Jack Swagger

After Cena got in the ring, he had words with Triple H about Sunday's match. Cena didn't seem pleased about it as Triple H left. Cole had a replay of Cena's discussion with HHH in the ring shown. Cole said Cena was telling HHH it was an ego thing for him to get involved in Sunday's match, while HHH said it's not.

Late in the match, Swagger took down Cena with a running shoulder block. After a failed pinfall he locked an arm hold on Cena. Cena powered out though, but Swagger whipped him to the corner. Moments later, Cena made his standard comeback with the You Can't See Me taunt, the Five Knuckle Shuffle and AA for the pinfall.

Winner: John Cena wins via pinfall over Jack Swagger.

Cole said has an online poll over which of the two current WWE Champions will emerge the undisputed champion on Sunday.

Tonight's Summerslam Recall moment was Summerslam 1991 at Madison Square Garden. Mr. Perfect defended the Intercontinental Championship against Bret "The Hitman" Hart. Bret Hart countered a Figure Four leglock and turned it into the Sharpshooter to win the championship with his family in the audience.

Backstage, Scott Stanford was about to introduce the man who will face CM Punk tonight. Before he could introduce Del Rio, Rodriguez pushed Stanford off camera and took the mic to introduce him. Del Rio talked about how CM Punk ran away like a coward in Chicago when he tried to cash in his briefcase on him.

The commentators reviewed what R-Truth did to John Morrison 4 months ago to send him to the hospital.

Truth was shown backstage in the locker room. Josh Matthews came in to ask why he would take advantage of his friend Morrison. Truth started asking why there are questions with no answers. Truth heard the fans doing their "What?" and yelled for them to stop it. He talked about spiders and how his grandmother used to make spider stew, but the only person who'd eat it was Little Jimmy. Truth said tonight he's gonna step on a spider out in the ring named John Morrison.

Rey Mysterio vs. The Miz

Miz attacked Mysterio as Rey was making his ring entrance, leaving him layed out at the big WWE sign on the stage. Four referees checked on Mysterio who was looking lifeless on stage as Miz went to the ring. Cole said he'd go find out what this is all about and went to interview him in the ring. The refs helped Rey to his feet and backstage. Cole said that was an amazing act of audacity there. Miz said "do you know who I'm facing at Summerslam? Me either." He went on to say he should be the PPV's focus.

Miz said he wants a ref to come down and declare him the winner by forfeit. Miz handed Cole the mic and a ref rushed to the ring to talk to Miz. Miz asked him to raise his hand as the ref went out to tell Justin Roberts the decision. Roberts said instead of a forfeit, Miz will compete in a new match now.

Winner: No contest after Miz attacked Rey prior to the match.

Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz

Late in the match, Miz was trying for a Superplex on Kofi. Kofi blocked it and did his slam move from the ropes to the mat for a pinfall. Miz barely kicked out of it. Kofi prepared for Trouble in Paradise, but Miz ducked it and went for his finisher. Kofi backed him into the corner. Moments later, Kofi was on Miz's shoulder and got flung onto the top rope on his gut. Kofi bounced back and Miz grabbed him for the Skullcrushing Finale.

Winner: The Miz wins via pinfall over Kofi Kingston.

CM Punk was shown walking backstage. Josh Matthews rushed up to get his comments about HHH naming himself special guest referee for Sunday's match. Punk said is anyone really surprised? Punk said what's good for business should be HHH keeping his nose out of the match. Punk said it's obvious Triple H needs the spotlight.

Alberto Del Rio vs. CM Punk

Del Rio fought his way out of the GTS late, and sent CM Punk into the corner ringpost. Del Rio hit a Backstabber on Punk for a near fall, then complained to the ref about the count. Del Rio went to put on his Cross Armbar breaker, but Punk escaped it then delivered a roundhouse kick to Del Rio's head. He followed with GTS to make the winning pinfall.

Winner: CM Punk wins via pinfall over Alberto Del Rio.

They showed a replay of Beth Phoenix winning the divas battle royal last week and then turning against champion Kelly Kelly.

Eve Torres vs. Beth Phoenix

Beth dominated throughout most of the match. Eve made a comeback with some karate kicks and then got on the corner turnbuckle for her moonsault. Beth swiped her legs causing Eve to fall on the corner. Beth grabbed her and then hit the Glam Slam for the win.

Post match, Beth said she's sick of the divas division. Beth said no more booty poppin' or stink faces. Beth left the ring and went up the ramp, then turned back saying she's been waiting to ask Eve a question. Suddenly, Kelly Kelly rushed down and knocked Beth down from behind.

Winner: Beth Phoenix wins via pinfall over Eve Torres.

Alex Riley vs Dolph Ziggler

Before the match started, Riley got on the mic to tell Vickie how bad her breath smells. At one point in the match, Riley got the upperhand. Vickie got in the ring and started screaming at Riley, then slapped him in the face. The ref called for the bell for the DQ. Ziggler came over and got in Vickie's face to complain about her costing him the match. Riley got in a punch on Ziggler and he fell towards Vickie who fell to the mat. Riley laughed as he left the ring. Vickie got up screaming at Ziggler and left him in the ring. Vickie screamed from the ramp "It's over" so Ziggler picked up his championship belt and yelled back at her from the ring.

Winner: Alex Riley wins due to DQ of Dolph Ziggler when Vickie Guerrero interfered.

Ross, Lawler and Cole introduced a video package to review the CM Punk vs John Cena WWE Championship situation. They ran down the card for Summerslam's three championship matches including Cena vs Punk, Orton vs christian and Beth Phoenix vs Kelly Kelly.

John Morrison vs. R-Truth

Morrison took it to Truth early, pounding away on him in the ring. Morrison hit a flying move over the corner ringpost to take out Truth on the outside. The match went back into the ring. Later, Truth ended up going to the outside to try to recover, but Morrison went out after him. The fight ended up going over the barricade. Truth managed to swipe out Morrison's legs when he was on the barricade, so he hit the back of his neck on the barricade. Morrison barely beat a countout to get back in the ring.

Morrison gained some momentum as he beat up Truth in the corner and whipped him to the opposite one. However, Truth blocked another whip attempted, kicked Morrison in the gut and then hit his finisher for the win.

Winner: R-Truth wins via pinfall over John Morrison.

They showed John Laurenitis and Triple H reviewing the WWE Championship match contract for the Summerslam match between Cena and Punk to sign off on.

Next week, Rey Mysterio will get a rematch for the WWE Championship on Raw against whoever the champ is after Summerslam.

John Cena won the WWE poll 54% to 46% over CM Punk as to who will leave Summerslam as champion.

They had a backstage video from World Heavyweight Champion, Christian. Christian said it would be smart for COO Triple H to show up live on Smackdown Friday night to hear his big announcement in person.

Triple H was in the ring with John Laurenitis for the WWE Championship contract signing. CM Punk arrived out first, then John Cena.

Triple H tried to start talking about the signing. CM Punk asked about how this was going to be entertaining, because these things always end in a physical calamity. Punk said it's time to roll a clip to let Cena know exactly how he feels about him. The clip was from The Rock on Facebook from the set of a movie. Rock talked about Cena's red wristbands making him look like a transvestite Wonder Woman. Rock said Cena gets booed in his own homestown of Boston because Rock represents men and men smell phony fakes from a mile away. Punk said that Rock doesn't realize while he's calling Cena a phony, he's just as big a phony. Punk said he doesn't want Rock talking in a silly voice at him so he'll just sign the contract.

Cena talked about how Punk has issues with him and that's fine. Cena said he knows he can't win over the fans who hate him, but he only cares about the fans who wears their colors proud. Cena told Punk if he wants phony but to look in the mirror. Triple H broke in saying Cena does have a good point. Punk brought up all the recent WWE firings and asked Laurenitis and Triple H if they fired any of those stars face-to-face. Punk said this isn't about them though, it's about Punk and Cena and the WWE Championship. Punk brought up how he won the ECW champ for his first time, but Cena came up to him next day, patted him on the back and said nice work kid, I almost gave up on you.

Punk said 7 years ago, Cena walked into Los Angeles and won his first WWE championship, but this Sunday he'll walk out with nothing. Cena commended Punk on his speech, but said he needs this match more than him on Sunday. Cena said everyone's watching him now and if he loses he'll just be a loudmouth one-hit wonder. Punk responded back that he'd rather that than a phony.

Cena said they've done enough talking and maybe now it's time for some of that entertainment Punk hinted at earlier. Cena stood up, so Punk got up too, and they both tossed their championship belts to the side. Cena threw the table to the side. They got in each other's face, so Laurenitis stepped in between them. He backed Punk up to the ropes, then backed Cena up. Punk rushed at Cena and tried for a roundhouse kick but caught Laurenitis in the head instead, causing Laurenitis to hit the mat. Triple H went over to get in Punk's face. Cena tried to rush at Punk with a fist, but hit Triple H by accident too. Punk rolled out of the ring, and HHH shoved Cena. Raw ended with Punk holding his head on the ramp and Cena/HHH in the ring.

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