Monday, February 27, 2012

Raw Results 02/27/12

Raw Results from Portland, OR:

They kicked off Raw with a video of John Cena talking about The Rock last week and how he left the WWE for movies.  After a video package, they plugged Wrestlemania 28, and then Cole welcomed fans to the arena, just 34 days away from WM28.  Tonight, The Rock is back live on Raw.

CM Punk was in the ring for a champion vs champion match against Daniel Bryan.  Chris Jericho came out and the two went back and forth about being best in the world at what they do.  Jericho admitted his whole 1-2-12 comeback and video promo was an effort to come back and defeat Punk to show him he is best in the world.  Punk said he didn't need to jump him from behind or do anything else to get his attention, all they needed was the two of them and a ring.  Punk told Jericho when he looks over his shoulder and see's Punk still holding the title, it will be the end of Jericho's world.

Punk and Daniel Bryan fought to a no decision.  Late in the match, David Otunga was ringside and jumped on the apron to distract Punk.  Punk fought him off, but then collided mid-air with Bryan.  Santino Marella rushed over to the apron and hit Otunga with The Cobra.  Laurinaitis was ringside and yanked Santino off the apron.  Teddy Long and Laurinaitis began to argue.  Meanwhile, Bryan tried to leave with his title belt, but Sheamus rushed to the ring area and tossed Bryan back in for Punk to hit GTS.  Punk had the pinfall cover, but Laurinaitis got in the ring and told the ref to call for the bell.

Post-match, Long got in the ring and shoved Laurinaitis down.  Santino and Otunga had to hold the GM's back.  Over on the ramp/stage area, Punk was displaying his championship belt, when Jericho jumped him from behind.  He eventually put the Walls of Jericho on Punk until refs got him to release it.

They had a video package regarding last year's Triple H vs. Undertaker match with various big names from wrestling talking about it.  Miz, Big Show, Randy Orton, Cena, Edge, and The Rock were all featured in mini interviews during the piece.

John Cena defeated The Miz by submission.  Late in the match, Miz missed on a double axehandle move from the corner.  Cena did his big comeback, and hit Five Knuckle Shuffle.  He followed with the Attitude Adjustment and then instead of a pin slapped on the STF to make Miz tap out.  Post-match as Cena was on the turnbuckles, The Rock appeared on the Titantron getting ready for his big return to Raw.  He shot a look at the camera and did the You Can't See Me gesture towards Cena.  Cena smiled in the ring then left, looking at the crowd and WM28 logo banner.

Kelly Kelly defeated Nikki Bella by pinfall.  Late in the match, Brie tried to distract Kelly from the apron but got dropkicked off.  Nikki tried a rollup pinfall, but Kelly rolled through into a bridge pin for the win.  During the match, Cole talked about how Kelly doesn't consider Eve a friend any longer after what she did to Zack Ryder.

Epico and Primo won a Triple Threat tag team championship match against Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler and R-Truth & Kofi Kingston by pinfall.  Late in the match, Kofi connected with Trouble in Paradise, but Primo hit Kofi with a Backstabber.  Epico tossed Kofi out of the ring and covered Swagger to retain the titles.  Post-match, Kane came to the ring and started to beat up everyone in sight, chokeslamming Ziggler, Epico and Truth.

Backstage, they had another argument trash talking segment involving Teddy Long and John Laurinaitis.  Long said he heard a rumor Laurinaitis won't be running Raw next week.  JL said he heard a rumor Long's going to be fired as Smackdown's GM.  Long said it's no rumor that Laurinaitis is a horse's ass.  The crowd started a chant off that, as Long left Laurinaitis upset.

Eve Torres came to the ring to deliver a promo about her actions over the past week or so.  She said she's a woman living in a man's world.  She said she tells men what they need to hear and they love it.  She claimed there isn't a man in the world who wouldn't want to be used by her.  Eve said she can't help that she's a seductress, then blew a kiss towards the crowd, before leaving the ring.

Backstage Kelly stopped Eve and said she's become a totally different person.  Even laughed in Kelly's face and left.  Alicia Fox came up next to Kelly staring at Eve as she walked off.

Big Show and Sheamus defeated Mark Henry and Cody Rhodes by pinfall.  The match was about a minute as Rhodes quickly tagged in Henry and elft the ring.  Big Show speared Henry down, then chased Rhodes out of the ring.  Sheamus eventually tagged in and was able to connect on the Brogue Kick on Henry for the win.

Michael Cole told fans that on Tuesday morning that will have an announcement regarding the future of the Raw and Smackdown GM positions.  Next week, Shawn Michaels returns to Raw in Boston, MA.

The Rock returned to cut a promo in the ring about how the WWE will always be a part of him, and how Cena is a phony.  Rock got several new chants going and a new trending phrase going on Twitter "Kung Pao bitch" in reference to Cena.  Eventually Cena came out and said he has no problem running down Rock when he's not there, or when he's there.  He said he doesn't like Dwayne Johnson, because he's self-centered and wouldn't care at all if WWE got shut down tomorrow.  Cena said when he looks eye to eye at the guy in the ring facing him for Mania, he's going to see Dwayne, a guy who's scared.  Cena said he won't be afraid to beat the hell out of him though.  Cena left the ring and disappeared backstage.

The Rock got back on the mic saying it's just like Cena to do that and then walk off before Rock could slap the lips off Cena's face.  Rock said all that matters is on the biggest stage of them all he's going to kick Cena's candyass all over the arena.  He finished with "if you smell....what the cooking" before his music hit.  Rock paced around the ring and then posed in the corner with the WM28 banner overhead as Raw ended.

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