Wednesday, October 17, 2012

WWE Main Event Results 10/17/12

WWE Main Event Results from Memphis, TN:

Michael Cole and JBL started off the show in the ring.  They immediately talked up the first-ever championship match in the history of the show.  They had footage from Monday's match conclusion between Miz and Kofi, where Kingston's Trouble in Paradise kick finished off The Miz and resulted in Miz needing medical help.

They showed a background video on Kofi Kingston, who talked about coming to America from Ghana and how he used to watch WWF Superstars all the time as a kid.  WWE Diva Layla and Chili from TLC talked about how much they enjoy watching Kofi now.

Josh Matthews interviewed Kofi backstage who talked about "the kick heard around the world," and how much feedback he's received on Twitter about it.  Kofi said Miz has brought out a side of him that hasn't been seen in some time.  He said Monday was to send Miz a message, and tonight it's about beating him to become the next Intercontinental Champion.

JBL started to talk about Kofi making a name for himself, but was soon interrupted by The Miz's theme music as he came down to the ring with his championship on his shoulder.  They showed a cut requiring six stitches above Miz's right eye.  Miz got on the mic talking about how most superstars or people would not be here after the kick Kofi landed, but he's here because he is "awesome."  He said for the first time in years the Intercontinental Championship mens something.  Miz introduced his own video package which showed him from his start as a reality star to Tough Enough to multiple titles in WWE.  After the video, Miz finished his promo by saying "Kofi Kingston, you want my title, come get it."

Kofi Kingston defeated The Miz via pinfall to become new Intercontinental Champion.  At one point in the match, Kofi tossed Miz out over the ropes to the floor, then tried for a baseball slide.  Miz avoided it and kicked Kofi, then whipped him towards the steel steps.  Kofi dove over them instead then got up, ran and jumped off the steps to punch down Miz.  Back in the ring, Kofi hit a crossbody off the corner for a pinfall, but Miz rolled through for a near fall.  Moments later, Kofi knocked Miz down to the mat and hit the Boom Boom leg drop.  He set up for Trouble in Paraidse, but Miz ducked and went for Skullcrushing Finale.  Kofi reversed and went for a pinfall, but Miz reversed that and had a near fall.

Later still, Kofi hit the SOS, but Miz managed to get his foot on the bottom rope to break before 3.  Miz tried to leave the match after getting his title belt from ringside, but Kofi jumped onto him from inside the ring over the ropes.  Miz got back in and hit a big DDT for another near fall.  The Miz managed to get a boot up at one point with Kofi charging at him in the corner.  Miz went for a pin and tried to put his legs on the corner ropes for leverage, but the ref saw it and stopped the count.  Miz started to argue with the ref over it and Kofi went for a sneak behind rollup.  Miz escaped it, but Kofi came back with a Trouble in Paradise kick to KO him for the win.  This marks Kofi's fourth IC title reign.

Matt Striker talked with Kofi after the match and Kingston said this title is not just about him but all the people in the arena too who support him.  He talked about how much the title means to him since it's been held by other greats like Shawn Michaels, Macho Man, and Ricky Steamboat.  Kofi did a special "boom boom boom" chant dedicated to Miz with the crowd to finish his speech.

When Main Event returned they showed an outside view of the arena, before reviewing highlights of Kofi's IC title win.

Josh Matthews went into the locker room to interview a dejected Miz.  Matthews asked how it feels that he's no longer Intercontinental Champion.  Miz said "the title is mine" and losing the title is like losing an organ.  Miz claimed he didn't lose the title, but it was stolen.  He called it a "miscarriage of justice" and a nightmare.  Miz said he wants his rematch, so he can reclaim what is his.

JBL and Cole started talking about a possible rematch, and how Kofi won fair and square.  Vickie Guerrero started screeching "Excuse Me" as they finished up, and then introduced Mr. Money in the Bank, the Show Off, Dolph Ziggler.

Late in the match, Ryder hit the huge Broski Boot, then pulled Ziggler from the corner into the ring for the pinfall.  Ziggler kicked out of the pinfall before 3.  Moments later, Ryder went for the Rough Ryder, but Ziggler went under and dropped Ryder face first on the corner turnbuckle.  As Ryder bounced face first off the corner, Ziggler followed up with the Zig Zag for the win.

Post-match, Vickie and Dolph cut a promo about how he will be the next World Heavyweight Champion.  Ziggler said he deserves better than the Long Island Loud Mouth.  He then issued an open challenge for any superstar to face him on next week's Main Event.  Ziggler waited a few moments and said "nobody? that's what I thought, whatevs."  He and Vickie prepared to leave but suddenly stopped in the ring when Ryback's music hit.  Ryback came out on the stage huffing and puffing, as Cole and JBL talked up the idea of the match for next Wednesday.

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