Monday, September 16, 2013

Raw Results 09/16/13

Raw Results from Cleveland, OH:

Daniel Bryan came out with the WWE championship and said he had a lot to say but for now "YES!" says it  best.  The fans started up the chant with him.  Triple H came out to interrupt, looking unhappy.  He brought up last night's referee situation and the fast count that went down in Bryan's winning pinfall.  He brought out referee Scott Armstrong and played back the video.  Armstrong admitted he made a mistake.  HHH sent him backstage then said it's clear Bryan was in conspiracy with a WWE official, so he's going to strip him of the title.  HHH tells Bryan to hand over the belt or he'll take it, as "NO" chants start up from the fans.  Orton's music hits and the former champ comes to the ring.  He tells HHH there won't be any fight here.  Bryan holds onto the title but HHH finally yanks it away and Orton hits the RKO on BRyan.  Triple H leaves the ring carrying the WWE title as Orton stands over Bryan.

After commercial, Orton is livid backstage as he comes in to complain to Triple H and Stephanie.  Stephanie gets into Orton's face and goes off on him saying he deserved to lose last night.  She asks him what happened to the old Orton, the one who handcuffed HHH and DDT'd her in the ring.  She tells him to go find that Orton.

Dolph Ziggler defeated Dean Ambrose via pinfall in a non-title match.  Ziggler made a late comeback and hit the Zig Zag for the win, earning himself another  title shot.

Backstage, Big Show was with Brad Maddox.  Stephanie and Triple H were there, with HHH saying Bryan will compete tonight against Roman Reigns.  Maddox tells them that Dusty Rhodes is here tonight and walks off.  Stephanie reminds Show about unemployment and how he's broke.  She tells him he'll stay in her office seated tonight and stay there unless she calls.  Show says yes, calling her Mrs. McMahon.

Fandango defeated R-Truth via pinfall.  Late in the match, Fandango hit a kick to the back of Truth's head then went to the top rope for his big leg drop move.

Dusty Rhodes came out to the ring talking about the long road his family's been down that the McMahon's haven't.  He tells them he isn't there to beg for Cody's job, but wants him to have a chance to earn it back.  He calls out Stephanie and she arrives out to the arena.  She and Dusty got into it, arguing about how they've raised their kids.  Stephanie eventually gave Dusty a choice, that they could hire back Cody, or give the job to Goldust.  Dusty said he won't choose and told Stephanie to go to hell.  The Shield's music hits and they surround the ring.  Stephanie calls them off then says she has someone in the back who can help and calls out Big Show.

Steph says since Dusty couldn't make the decision who to hire back, he can make another - get attacked by Shield or knocked out by Show.  Dusty refused to decide, so Stephanie tells Show to knock him out.  Show starts to cry and won't do it.  Stepanie calls the Shield in, with Reigns grabbing steel chairs for all three members of the group.  Show leans over to whisper something to Dusty, who nods.  Show hugs Dusty and after saying he has no choice, he hits him with the KO punch.  Dusty has to be taken away on a stretcher and in an ambulance.  Show rides in the ambulance with him.

Brie Bella, Naomi and Cameron defeated Alicia Fox, Aksana and Layla via pinfall.  Late in the match a huge brawl started with Brie getting the winning pinfall on Aksana.  Post-match, Natalya stares down AJ as the two had been on commentary.

Rob Van Dam defeated Damien Sandow via pinfall.  RVD went for Rolling Thunder late with Sandow getting both knees up.  Sandow had a nearfall, then there was more offense from RVD.  HE nailed a thrust kick from the corner, then hit the Five Star Frogsplash for the win.

Backstage, Triple H met with referee Scott Armstrong.  He said he's in a jam because there's no WWE Champion right now and that's a problem.  He tells Armstrong that WWE officials have to be of integrity.  He offers Armstrong a nice severance package, then fires him.  He tells him everything will be alright.

Randy Orton vs. The Miz ended as a no contest.  The Miz's parents were in attendance and Miz hugged them before the match.  Orton attacked right after.  During the match, Orton started to beat up Miz outside the ring right in front of his parents.  Orton hit the draping DDT from the crowd barrier with Miz's mother looking on.  Orton brought Miz into the ring with a steel chair, then put Miz's head between the chair.  Orton delivered a huge running knee drop on the  chair on Miz's head.  Officials had to come in to check on Miz as Orton looked at the damage he caused.

They had a segment where Ryback came out to the stage, with Curtis Axel pushing Paul Heyman behind him in a wheelchair.  Heyman brought up how Punk beat him so bad last night he's now confined to a wheelchair.  Heyman said one man stood up for him though when all others sat down.  Heyman says he's here tonight and can continue to torment Punk thanks to the actions of this big beautiful man, Ryback.  He says he owes him his life.  Ryback talks about how Punk is a bully and Heyman will never have to worry again as long as he's around.  He says Punk will never put his hands on him.  Heyman kisses Ryback on the cheek.  Ryback poses yelling "Ryback rules" before taking Heyman backstage.

The Usos defeated Real Americans & Tons of Funk in an elimination match to become new #1 contenders for the tag team titles.  Late in the match, it was down to the Real Americans vs. Usos.  Swagger put the Patriot Lock on the Uso, but he rolled through to kick Swagger away.  Jey Uso was the legal man and Swagger later suplexed him from the top, right after Jimmy made a blind tag Swagger hadn't seen.  Jimmy was able to nail the Splash from off the top corner to get the win and future tag team title shot.

They updated the condition status of Miz and Dusty Rhodes saying Miz has a broken thorax, and Dusty Rhodes is being kept overnight at a local hospital.

They had a promo video from Bray Wyatt and Family.  He talked about how in his world when one of the animals is sick, he puts them down.  They showed clips of him hitting his finisher on different opponents.  Bray said he's going to "put them all down."

Daniel Bryan was walking backstage as superstars cheered him on.  Brie Bella stopped him and gave Bryan a hug.  He headed to the ring before break.

Daniel Bryan defeated Roman Reigns due to disqualification.  Randy Orton, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose watched the match from ringside.  Late in the match, Bryan nailed a roundhouse kick on Reigns but was unable to secure a pinfall.  Reigns rolled to the outside.  Bryan ended up sending Rollins to the announcers table.  Bryan brought Reigns back into the ring and hit a dropkick in the corner on him.  He dropkicked Ambrose off the apron.  Reigns hit a huge clothesline on Bryan, but he made the comeback and put on the Yes Lock.  However, Orton rushed in to break the hold for the DQ.

Post-match, Bryan gets the upperhand and puts the Yes Lock onto Orton.  The Shield comes in to make a save.  Orton and Shield start the beatdown.  Orton gets a steel chair and puts Bryan's head in it like he did with Miz's earlier.  Suddenly, The Usos, Kofi Kingston, RVD, Dolph Ziggler, PrimeTime Players and others run out to save Bryan.  Reigns spears down Kofi and tries to fight other superstars.  The Usos doublekicked him, sending him out of the ring.  RVD knocks out Ambrose with a kick.  Rollins is left behind and gets hit by a huge knee from Bryan.  All of the Superstars started chanting "Yes!" as Orton fled the scene with Shield.  Young and O'Neil hoisted Bryan up on their shoulders with replays showing.  Raw went off the air with the "YES!" chant continuing.

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