Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dolph Ziggler loses IC Title, Becomes #1 Contender?

As of Friday night, there's not only a new champion but also a new #1 Contender for the Smackdown brand. Hours after losing his intercontinental title and then losing a rematch for it, Dolph Ziggler was thrust into the #1 Contender's Match for the World Heavyweight Title. Ziggler won, thanks to smart last second strategy in the Fatal Fourway match. Are there big things in store for Mr. Vickie Guerrero?

The episode of Smackdown was akin to a WWE Pay-Per-View. It started off with Edge and Kane putting on a tremendous contest around the arena in a Last Man Standing Match for the World Championship. Edge finally prevailed after a Spear and a steel chair shot to Kane's knee, hobbling him. That makes the Rated-R Superstar the World Champion still.

Kofi Kingston got yet another shot at Dolph Ziggler and the IC Title, and won. However, with no Teddy Long on site, Vickie Guerrero made a ruling that there would be an immediate rematch. Ziggler had already hit a Zig Zag on Kofi after the first match. Still, Kingston managed to weather the storm and hit Trouble in Paradise for the back-to-back victories, winning and retaining his new gold.

The Fatal Fourway was one of the biggest surprises of the night. The creative staff gave a great setup for the eventual surprise winner. After Ziggler lost his title, twice, Vickie Guerrero screamed at him backstage. Ziggler told her she might need to find a new boyfriend and left the scene. There was to be a Triple Threat for the #1 Contender spot: Big Show, Drew McIntyre and Cody Rhodes, but Vickie again intervened and made it the Fatal Fourway. Ziggler was now a part of it.

Big Show seemed in control of things, but that dastardly Wade Barrett spoiled his fun. Wade, former leader of Nexus, seems to have moved to Smackdown. He took down Big Show and beat on him unmercifully. That wasn't enough to keep the giant down though. Despite each of his three opponents hitting finishers, Show escaped each pinfall.

It was the clever plan of Ziggler who suggested Rhodes go after Big Show. Show had his back turned to Ziggler and Rhodes, while McIntyre was on the outside. As Rhodes went to go after Show, Ziggler grabbed Rhodes for the ZigZag, then stole the winning pinfall behind Show's back. Probably one of the more creative finishes to a match in some time.

Going into this contest, it seemed the favorite was probably Drew McIntyre first, then Big Show. Once Ziggler was inserted, it sort of looked like a way for Vickie to turn against him and cost him the match, or for her to allow Big Show to go heel and beat on Ziggler. Instead, Ziggler got the last laugh, and he appears to still be with Vickie. Now they've got an interesting scenario with Vickie/Ziggler and Edge. Edge knows Vickie quite well, so this should make for some good promos leading up to their match. It now makes sense that they'd move the IC title off Ziggler, but the question is, are they preparing him for the major title, the World Heavyweight championship, just a few months ahead of Wrestlemania 27?

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Blogger Alexandre said...

The wwe is and always will be the best

January 9, 2011 at 11:23 AM  

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