Raw Results 08/02/10
Raw Results from :
Raw opened with highlights of John Cena's 7-man team rushing The Nexus out of the ring two weeks ago. They fast forwarded to last week where The Nexus won a 7-on-7 elimination match against Raw superstars. Meanwhile, Cena's Team WWE was having issues getting along and were all fighting in the ring at the end of the night.Cole and Lawler noted that tonight Randy Orton faces The Miz in a match. Also the new trailer for 'Legendary' an upcoming John Cena film will be shown for the first time on television.
Edge came to the ring to speak to open Raw. Edge said he realizes he has to listen to one person, himself. He said after Royal Rumble he listened to the people and they let him down, just like his Summerslam team is. Edge said he doesn't really believe in his other team members, so he has to start doing stuff his way. Edge said tonight he challenges Wade Barrett 1-on-1 with nobody coming down to stick their nose in it.
R-Truth came out to confront Edge in the ring. He asked Edge if he thinks challenging Barrett to a match is going to squash things. Truth said Edge might not want to listen to Cena, but he will listen to him. Truth told Edge they're fighting for their lifestyle, friends, family and WWE Universe. Truth said they need to fight together to beat Nexus. Edge said that's his truth, because he believes that you kill a snake by cutting its head off, so he's going to take out Barrett. Truth and Edge got in each other's faces. Just then the lights flashed and an email came through. Michael Cole said the GM is giving Edge what he wants a 1-on-1 match with Wade Barrett. Truth told Edge "good luck, you're on your own".
Edge vs. Wade Barrett
Edge dominated early as he hit a variety of moves in and out of the ring including a spear on Barrett in the corner. Barrett finally recovered with a series of boot kicks, one of which knockeed Edge off the apron. Barrett went outside to beat on Edge by tossing him against the apron several times.Barrett dominated for a bit, but Edge managed to catch him with a DDT after Barrett pulled him off the corner. Edge got ready for the Spear but Barrett rolled to the outside. As Barrett was heading back into the ring he motioned with his hands for the backup to come. Suddenly, Edge rushed out of the ring and jumped into the crowd as the other six members of Nexus appeared. They stopped at the crowd barrier as Edge looked down from the stairs in the audience.
Winner: No contest due to Edge fleeing the scene after The Nexus chased him.
Edge was seen walking backstage and he found John Cena. He asked Cena where he was when Nexus came after him near the ring. Cena said he was staying backstage just like Edge requested. Cena told him they need to do this as a 7-man team. Edge told him good luck because he quits. Edge stormed off, but Jericho was shown standing next to Cena now, smirking. Cena asked if he was going to quit too. Jericho said no, but said if anyone needs to quit it's Cena.
Jericho said if Cena doesn't want to quit on his own, he'll make him do it. Jericho suggested they face off tonight in a "loser leaves Summerslam match". Cena told him he was crazy for suggesting it. Jericho kept at it with the idea, so Cena finally agreed to it.
Cole and Lawler were shocked at how Team WWE is dissolving tonight. They talked about Bret 'The Hitman' Hart knowing plenty about Summerslam. They showed Summerslam 1991 from Madison Square Garden in NYC. Bret Hart faced Lex Luger for the Intercontinental Title. Bret managed to win the title after fighting off Luger's manager 'Coach' and putting a Sharpshooter on.
The Great Khali was backstage with John Morrison. Morrison said he doesn't care about last week but he brought up movies like "The Magnificent Seven" saying they'll need to work together as a team of seven. Khali spoke in his language saying 'there were also seven dwarves'. Morrison walked off after wishing him luck against Dibiase tonight. Just then, David Otunga and Michael Tarver of The Nexus walked up. Ranjin Singh hid behind Khali. They told Khali it doesn't seem he's getting much respect on Team WWE so if he wants to go somewhere he gets respect to come talk to them.
Eve, Gail Kim & Natalya vs. Alicia Fox, Jillian & Tamina
The action broke down in the ring for the grand finale of this divas tag match. Gail Kim jumped off the corner to take out Tamina outside the ring. Jillian whipped Gail Kim against the ringpost outside. Eve hit a baseball slide dropkick to send Jillian towards the commentators' table, but then Tamina rushed over to clothesline her down. Meanwhile in the ring, Natalya was about to put the Sharpshooter on Alicia Fox. Tamina rushed in, so Natalya let go of the hold to fight her off. Alicia stole the win by hitting the headscissors kick on Natalya's head.Alicia got on the mic following the win. She said they're all witnessing the greatest title reign in divas history. Alicia said no matter what the match type, she's beaten all of them. She said there isn't a diva on the roster who she hasn't beaten. Just then some familiar theme music started up as Melina made her way to the ring.
Alicia tried to escape the ring, but Jillian shoved her back into the ring. Alicia went for a clothesline on Melina who ducked backwards with a Matrix move, then hit her split leg finisher on Alicia yelling "I'm back!"
Winners: Alicia Fox, Jillian and Tamina win via pinfall over Eve, Gail Kim and Natalya.
Sheamus was shown walking backstage on his way to the ring.
They showed highlights from a week ago when Randy Orton was being attacked by one of the Usos. Sheamus got in the ring and tried to deliver a running boot on Orton. Orton avoided it and Sheamus kicked the Uso down. Orton hit the RKO on Sheamus.
Goldust vs. Sheamus
Michael Cole reminded everyone of the early ECW battles between Goldust and Sheamus. After sustaining some early attacks, Sheamus took control leveling Goldust with a huge clothesline, then hit a huge Irish Curse backbreaker. Sheamus waited for Goldust to stand up then ran and delivered the boot pump kick to take him down. Sheamus went over and picked up Goldust, then did the sign of the cross before hitting the High Cross finisher where he threw Goldust across the ring before pinning him.Sheamus spoke about his rise within the past year, saying he didn't need a briefcase to become champion or to be a third generation superstar like Orton. Sheamus brought up HHH saying he ended his career and will do the same to Orton at Summerslam. Sheamus said the fans never gave him the respect or credit he deserves. He said he doesn't need it though, he's got all he needs, the WWE Title.
Winner: Sheamus wins via pinfall over Goldust.
Jericho and Cena were shown on a split screen walking backstage headed to the ring for their match. The loser is off Team WWE at Summerslam.
John Cena vs. Chris Jericho
Jericho managed to knock Cena out of the ring early on, then went outside the ring to whip Cena into the steel steps. Cena managed to beat a count to get back in the ring, but Jericho continued to control the match.Later on, Cena gained momentum. Cena was going for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Jericho jumped up and hit a Codebreaker. Cena fell to the outside, where Jericho went out to collect him. He pushed Cena back into the ring and went for the pinfall but Cena just got an arm up.
Later still, Cena hit a leg drop on the back of Jericho's head off the corner. He went for Attitude Adjustment later but due to his leg injury he dropped Jericho. Jericho set up for the Walls of Jericho. Cena managed to reverse it. He tried to set up the STF on Jericho. Before he even had the move locked, Jericho tapped out. Cena was surprised by the finish.
Jericho angrily started to walk up the ramp, but Cena got on the mic. He told Chris to hold up for a moment. Cena said he doesn't want Jericho to leave the team because he can go toe-to-toe with anybody in the ring as the fans just saw. Cena said Jericho could return to the ring as a sign he'll stay, or he can walk off and let everyone down including himself. Jericho shook his head despite teh fans cheering, then turned and walked up the ramp then backstage.
Winner: John Cena wins via submission against Chris Jericho. Jericho must leave Summerslam's Team WWE.
Highlights of what just went down with Jericho and Cena were shown. The camera caught Edge in the locker room backstage, when Jericho walked in angrily. Edge said he respected what Jericho just did. They agreed that Cena needs them more than need him. Edge said that the others are trying to keep them apart, because they know they will rule Raw. Edge suggested they let bygones be bygones. The two shook and then hugged. Just then the email sound effected dinged and Michael Cole read off the latest message. Cole said next week Edge and Chris Jericho will team up against John Cena and Bret Hart with all seven members of The Nexus serving as lumberjacks.
Josh Matthews interviewed Randy Orton backstage. Orton said Sheamus needs to do his homework if he thinks he's the only guy to take down HHH. Orton brought up how he put HHH out of action for weeks after a kick to the skull.
They showed the exclusive new trailer for 'Legendary' starring John Cena as an ex-convict who helps his brother train for the wrestling chamionships. The movie also stars Danny Glover and hits theaters on September 10th for a limited engagement.
Great Khali vs. Ted Dibiase
Khali dominated things from the start, until Maryse got up on the apron. The distraction allowed Dibiase to start taking control of things. With Dibiase in control, Nexus members Wade Barrett and Skip Sheffield arrived down to ringside. That distraction allowed Khali to chop Dibiase down. He then put his Skull squeeze on Dibiase until Dibiase passed out.Winner: The Great Khali wins via pinfall over Ted Dibiase.
The Miz was shown backstage on his way to the ring for the main event match.
Cole and Lawler showed highlights of an interview with Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell from 'The Other Guys'. They started talking about how girls are attracted to Will Ferrel's character in the movie, but not him in real life. Just then, The Bella Twins walked in and started hanging all over Will Ferrell. They asked him to go get coffee, but Will said no and said they're good average looking women. Mark Wahlberg asked to go but the Bellas brushed him off.
Randy Orton vs. The Miz
Miz got on the mic and told Orton he made a huge mistake by interrupting his chance to win the WWE Title. Miz said Orton's best case scenario is that he beats Sheamus for the title at Summerslam. Miz said then what? Miz said he'll cash in the MITB briefcase for the title on him. Miz told Orton to get it through his head that he will be the WWE Champion.Orton knocked Miz to the outside. Just then, Sheamus came to ringside to watch the match. Raw went to commercial break. After commercial, things went back and forth in terms of momentum. Orton came alive though and took down Miz with the scoop slam, then got all riled up. Miz rolled out to the apron, so Orton went over and went for the DDT from the ropes. Miz hit a backdrop to toss Orton out of the ring.
Miz rolled Orton back into the ring. Orton got up and went at him, but Miz caught Orton for a backdrop then slammed him down for a very close pinfall. Miz was shocked that Orton kicked out. Orton was slow to get up and Miz prepared to rush him. Miz went right at Orton for a clothesline, but Orton avoided him. Miz bounced off the ropes and Orton hit the RKO for the pinfall win.
As the ref held Orton's arm up for the victory, Sheamus rushed towards the ring. Orton got down and started pounding the mat with his fists, as Sheamus stopped at the bottom of the ramp. The two had a staredown as Raw ended.
Winner: Randy Orton wins via pinfall over The Miz.

Labels: Chris Jericho, John Cena, RAW Recap, Sheamus O'Shaunessy, Summerslam, The Miz, The Nexus, WWE Recap, WWE Recaps
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