Thursday, November 11, 2010

WWE Superstars Results 11/11/10

WWE Superstars from Manchester, UK:

Michael Cole and Josh Matthews were on hand to open the show for Raw, just ten days ahead of the 2010 Survivor Series Pay-Per-View. Tonight's main event is from Smackdown with Kaval taking on Drew McIntyre. Zack Ryder arrived out to start off the first match.

Yoshi Tatsu vs. Zack Ryder

Late in the match Yoshi came back from against the ropes to take down Ryder for a 2 count. Ryder caught Yoshi with a kick as Tatsu charged the corner. Ryder had his own near fall. Howwever towards the close, Ryder went for the Rough Ryder, but Yoshi ducked under the leaping opponent. Yoshi came back with a flying kick to take down Ryder for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Yoshi Tatsu wins via pinfall over Zack Ryder.

They showed the highlights of this past Tuesday's episode of NXT on SyFy. Kaitlyn won an arm wrestling competition early in the night to get her first competition win towards immunity. Later on, they had a guess the WWE Superstar from their high school photos. AJ won that competition after a face off against Kaitlyn. The voting for favorite diva on NXT is going on right now at

Ezekiel Jackson vs. Primo

Primo was accompanied to the ring by his NXT rookie diva, AJ Lee. Cole and Matthews noted that it seemed AJ and Primo were making eyes at each other during the NXT wedding last week. Early in the match, Big Zeke got the advantage as he tossed Primo around like a ragdoll. AJ managed to get Ezekiel down to the mat, so he could make quick attacks on the big man for a near fall.

Primo worked on a side headlock for a bit, until Zeke flipped him. Jackson came back with a running move to flatten Primo. He finally finished off Primo with the one-armed slam move for the win.

Winner: Ezekiel Jackson wins via pinfall over Primo.

Todd Grisham and Matt Striker of Smackdown were now on hand. They discussed the upcoming Survivor Series Pay-Per-View which will feature Edge challenging Kane for the World Championship. They showed a video promo package about the Big Red Monster, Kane.

Smackdown superstar Drew McIntyre arrived out for the main event match and received a good bit of applause from the audience. Grisham noted that Scotland isn't far from Manchester, England.

Kaval vs. Drew McIntyre

Kaval escaped an early corner attack from Drew by jumping up and kicking him away with both feet. After a near fall from Kaval, Drew soon regained the advantage, hammering away on Kaval in the corner. Kaval was able to get momentum once again, and used forearm uppercuts on Drew. However, as he ran from against the ropes Kaval got flung up in the air then kneed in the gut by McIntyre. Superstars went to commercial break.

Superstars returned with McIntyre holding Kaval in a submission move on the mat. Kaval soon was able to get to his feet and escaped the hold, but Drew soon rammed him into the corner for more of a beating. Drew left the ring and was fuming, then used the ringpost to stretch Kaval against. He followed by beating up Kaval outside the ring then suplexed him onto the apron.

In the closing moments of this one, Drew kicked the rope as Kaval was trying to go out to the apron. Drew prepared him for the Future Shock DDT right near the steel steps from the apron. Kaval blocked it several times, then flipped off the apron to the outside floor. He came back with a running kick to Drew's head. Drew fell under the bottom rope from the apron, as Kaval fell to the outside. Kaval went for his move off the corner, but Drew avoided it. As Kaval charged him, Drew kneed him, then connected on the Future Shock DDT to win it.

Winner: Drew McIntyre wins via pinfall over Kaval.

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